14 Interesting Facts about Caterpillars
14 Interesting Facts about Caterpillars
Here are some little known facts about the creepy, beautiful, colorful and/or harmful creature called - caterpillar.1.) All Swallowtail Caterpillars, if disturbed will suddenly evert bright orange osmeteria (or “stinkhorns”) from just behind its head, glandular structures which give off a foul odor.

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Facts Still Matter
"While 'most of us like to believe that our opinions have been formed over time by careful, rational consideration of facts and ideas and that the decisions based on those opinions, therefore, have the ring of soundness and intelligence,' the...
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You may think you know everything about dogs, but we bet there are 5 interesting facts about dogs that you may not know. Do you want to find out what those facts are? If so, continue to read the rest of this article.1. Dogs can understand many words...
The World’s Largest Butterflies
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Bizarre And Oddest-looking Birds In The World
Creepy-Looking Winged-Billed-Creatures There are about 9,000 species of birds. With this numerous number, there are colorful birds, large and small birds and there are also creepy-looking birds. Here are some of the creepiest-looking winged animals....
Amazingly Bizarre Facts About Extraordinary Arthropods In The World
Arthropods are invertebrate animals having exoskeleton (external skeleton), segmented body, and jointed appendages. Scorpions, butterflies, crabs, centipedes and many others are examples of Arthropods. Arthropods can be found anywhere in the world. There...