#Doga Lovers Win Refillable Bottles
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer
Stay Hydrated While You Bond |
Our first Doga poses have been well received, based on views. I'm not hearing much from you guys, and am hopeful that's simply because you're busy giving this new exercise and bonding method a chance. If that's the case, keep up the good work, but please do leave me some comments. I'm looking for your thoughts, ideas and hopes for the future of this series.
One think I've learned for sure is that flexibility requires good hydration. During the workout shown in the above photo, I was not quite half way through the water in my bottle, seen on the fireplace hearth at the right. I've scolded myself now for not doing a better job of pushing the fluids. Hopefully I'm improving.
My first giveaway that is Dog related includes a group of assorted reusable water bottles. The winners of these bottles will each receive one from the assortment. If you see this announcement and your name is included, please give me a shout with your full name and shipping address at [email protected].
Wondering what's next up in the Doga giveaways? Inspired by my own need to keep a record of my workouts that helps me to gauge my progress, I've got a few journals and a Doga Calendar to hand off, a blanket, and some tote bags for carrying your supplies to the yoga studio. Has anyone out there located a Doga class near home? Please dish if you have. We'd love to hear more. I found a few online, but have still continued to work from home; old habits die hard.
Following these giveaways I'll be offering up 3 yoga mats to wrap up my promotion of this Doga series. That should get really exciting! Are you ready to hear the winners now? Congratulations to today's lucky ladies: Iliana R., Marilyn N., Danielle E., Saki A., and Jenna Z. Please send your shipping addresses to [email protected] if you see this announcement. I'll be in touch over the weekend.
Happy tails,
While the photo above was a poor rendition of Side Angle Pose, you'll be able to see our video instruction of this pose coming in May. One thing I have learned from practicing it is that a larger dog like my Tanner can work much like a block to aid you in managing the stretch without trying to go to far. I also enjoy a quick petting session when I'm leaning over to get into the pose. That's what was captured here. Watch for more later. Thanks for joining in!
Doga Variations: Side Angle Yoga Pose
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Are you tagging along on this Doga journey with us? Earlier we posted a series of short instructional doga videos, created especially for All Things Dog Blog Readers. Now we're circling back to share some variations on ways...
Improving Your Cobra Pose With Fido's Help
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Just getting started with #doga? Cobra pose is a great way to slowly and gently move your back's flexibility along while simultaneously strengthening it. Keep our initial suggestions in mind as you work on this for just a few...
#doga: Easy Seated Pose With Pups
by Carrie Boyko, CEB I guess I've fessed up by now. I've become a yoga geek. Not a Yogi, mind you. Just a #doga geek! Today I'm here to share some ways you can modify the Easy Seated pose, while practicing #doga with your dog. Some of my...
Doga Calendar And Journal Winners!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB BufferOliver Enjoys Doga TreatsAs it turns out, the addition of Doga to my workout routine has attracted a few curious, and unexpected new readers. I'm enjoying seeing names in the entries that are completely new to me! Welcome...
Doga Pose Number 2: Wide-legged Seated Forward Fold With Fido
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer Stretching, Stetching, Ahhhhh!Oliver and I have been busy working on our Yoga practice, and we're beginning to notice a few improvements in my form as well as in his comfort level with joining me. He likes that I'm...