#BarkFriday Unleashes Fun Today:PreTweet Prize Announced Here
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Our bellies are full from Turkey and pumpkin pie. Now that our celebration is complete many of us will turn our thoughts to shopping and preparation for the upcoming holidays.
All Things Dog Blog has teamed up with Dogtipper to bring you #BarkFriday, a Twitter Party packed with money-saving tips from our favorite frugal-shopper, Elizabeth of 20Something Saver. If you have not yet RSVP'd, you'd better grab your spot now. The party starts at 11:00 AM EST today and you can only win prizes if you have RSVP'd.
Prizes? Right! We've been handing out tidbits throughout the weeks leading up to the party, and today I get the honor of thanking one of our pre-tweeters for her help in getting the word out. She wins a FIDO Friendly subscription and 2 bags of Dog Pack Snacks for her Fido. That winner is @PepperPom. I'll be messaging @pepperpom to make sure I get an address for shipment. |
© courtesy Sweet Liver Cookies |
If you'd like to spend a fun 90 minute party learning how to grab great savings and winning some fun Fido and family loot, join us at 11:00 AM EST with your #BarkFriday hashtag ready to go in each tweet. See you then!
Pretweet #barkfriday To #fuelthelove
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Buffer 15 Flavors of Zuke's to Each Winner!Thanksgiving is in our sights now and many a dog will soon be salivating over sweet potatoes, turkey, and all the other good smells in our homes. I could almost swear that Tanner...
New Puppy In Your Plan? Check Out #barkfriday Prizes
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Wondering What's Inside?Thanks to 20Something Saver for contributing some great prizes to our upcoming #BarkFriday Twitter Party. If you plan to add to your furry family this holiday season, you really cannot afford to miss...
Dog Prizes Flowing As #barkfriday Cranks Up
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Scheduling out prizes for the upcoming #BarkFriday Twitter Party has been so much fun. We have 6 wonderful sponsors who have given generously to get the word out about their products. And that's what I'm about...
Lucky Dog Gets Surprise Rsvp Win
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie BoykoYes! I completely missed Mutt Monday. I suppose I need to set a timer or train Oliver to hit the publish button. So here it is Mutt Monday on Tuesday and I get to give away some Doggyloot! And also some Dog Pack...
#barkfriday Twitter Party Sure To Unleash Holiday Savings
by Carrie Boyko, CEB We had such fun at the SafeHowloween party that this was inevitable. Besides, the holidays are a time for celebrating. Our theme this time is saving money. Who doesn't love to celebrate savings?!!! Join the Twitter...