Winters are quite demanding and can take a toll on your precious four legged friend too if you are not careful! Your dog requires proper care during the entire winter season if you want him to stay healthy, strong and happy like always. Here are some basic tips that you should always keep in mind:
Keep him/her indoors as much as possible
You should endeavor to keep your dog indoors as much as possible if you live in extremely cold and frosty areas. Outdoor activity and exercise would simply lead to possible congestion, colds and other ailments in addition to a numbing sensation that your dog will not love at all!
Buy proper outdoor gear online
Dog Jackets and Dog Sweaters are must haves if outings and walks cannot be put off altogether. There are multiple options available online in this regard, including attractive striped and cable sweaters in addition to sweatshirts in a variety of colors. There are lovely and bright jackets including the Supaw, Royal Chocolate and Quilted jackets which are made of the warmest and most comfortable materials and promise to protect your dog from the common vagaries of the season. Always check for a proper fit when you shop for winter wear for your dog as this can otherwise lead to unnecessary discomfort.
Tucking up your pet in winter
Tuck up your pet each day with the finest dog blankets and related accessories. Invest in decent dog beds that can hold your furry friend in comfort and buy blankets and wraps online. Some options that you can take a look at include ones made of fleece with cool design motifs including paws and others. Ensure that you get the right blanket size from your dog as these come in all standard sizes including XL and medium. These blankets will help your pet curl up in comfort on the sofa or on his/her own bed at night.
Dog food and personal care tips
Winter is one season where you will have to regulate your dog's diet very carefully owing to the absolute lack of exercise and considerably longer snooze times. You do not want your pet to pile on the pounds rapidly and this necessitates a proper consultation with your vet ahead of the onset of winter. Expect dog food consumption to increase in winter and ensure that your dog drinks only fresh water. All bowls have to be examined for fleas and other elements that might stick to frozen water. Keep your dog at arm's length from sources of heat like lamps and room heaters to avoid sudden burns and injuries. Never leave him/her alone in your car and check for any illnesses. Groom your dog properly and keep him/her hydrated properly in winter.