Win $100 for Your Active Dog Video

Win $100 for Your Active Dog Video

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Here's a simple example of how a brief video glimpse of your dog in active fun can win you a $100 Gift Card from Event Barkers to spend on anything you like. That's holiday cash for you and Fido!

In this example video, I used a Vine video (6 seconds long) that loops--repeats continuously. If you mouse over the video you'll see the first comment made. Other comments are not viewable, so you'll want to place your prize entry text in the text box before publishing the video to Vine. Here's the text you should include:

"I #FueltheLove on #BarkFriday with @ZukesPets"

Vine has recently updated their app with an improved share option. You can now choose your destination for sharing, or choose to embed, or simply collect the link. This gives you multiple ways to be sure your video is seen.

Just to be clear, you're free to submit videos using Instagram as well. We'll be happy to watch them, share them and enjoy them! Good luck in the giveaway. And by the way, there are low entries for this prize, so your chances are much improved! You're free to enter multiple videos, as long as they are different.

To be sure you get all the chances to win possible, you can also enter your video in the Giveaway Tools widget here. That will give you a chance to win the social media prize that includes more than $100 in Zuke's Treats and a toy for your dog. Don't miss out!

Still looking for ways to win Zuke's? Be sure you have RSVP'd for the #BarkFriday
#FueltheLove Twitter Party, enter a multitude of giveaways at the #FueltheLove Blog Hop, and also get involved in the PreTweeting to be a part of that drawing, and
 join in on Friday, November 29 for more great drawings.

The winner of the video contest discused above will be selected by our judges from submissions made through December 1. We'll announce the winner on Monday, December 2 so be sure to stay tuned!

Enjoy, and don't forget to #FueltheLove!

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Event Barkers is working with Zuke's to help them gain online exposure and share the news of their new products. These Event Barkers events are hosted by and

Note that due to shipping regulations, the prizes in these events are only available to U.S. addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

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