Weekly Wag Goes Green!

Weekly Wag Goes Green!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog.com
My Threesome Poses on Earth Day, 2010

I've made no secret that our family strives to live greener. We're not THOSE people who ride their bikes everywhere and eat only what they garden themselves, but we do what we can. Today I'd like to share some easy ways that you can offer a taste of the organic lifestyle to your own days, allowing your dog to benefit from a more natural life as well:
Weekly Wag ButtonWondering how all this green living nonsense will help you bond with your dog? I guess I'll call it time. I'll tell you that my cancer-ridden dog, Xena, lived a full 3 years after her cancer diagnosis. When her 
doctor shared that her cancer was likely from an environmentally-derived source, we switched out the entire home to organic--food, cleaning, lawn care, you name it. She thrived until the day she passed after a seizure at nearly 14. She had played tag and wrestled with Tanner that very morning. You tell me; is your dog worth it?

If you need tips or motivation, write to me. I'm happy to help: [email protected]. And further, keep in mind that comments on the Weekly Wag are welcome at the inaugural post, where drawings are made each quarter. The end of June will be the next drawing when some lucky Wagger will win a nice prize. Share your thoughts and see what others have shared about bonding with their dogs.

This post is part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop hosted by Life with DogsTwo Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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