Tweaking Your Dog's Vaccinations

Tweaking Your Dog's Vaccinations

by Dr. Julie Buzby
courtesy Chuckumentary via
Annual Vaccinations? Maybe Not!
The idea of dogs going to the vet for their “annual shots” just because one year has transpired, is as outdated as the idea that the earth is flat. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that dogs should be vaccinated based on their individual risk factors. These include age, breed, lifestyle, and environmental exposure.

Why does it matter?  

Vaccines jolt the immune system. This jolt creates an immune response in the body which builds antibodies against an altered, non-infectious bug. These antibodies should be protective if there is exposure to the live version of the germ. However, the jolt that helped create protection can be problematic.  Autoimmune diseases, tumors, thyroid disease, and allergic or anaphylactic reactions (shock) are complications that can occur soon after vaccinations, or much later.

•  Ask your veterinarian about vaccinating every 3 years for Distemper and Parvo, or titering to avoid re-vaccinating individuals with “protective” titers.
•  Discuss your dog’s lifestyle with your vet to design a customized vaccine protocol.
•  If your dog has ever had a prior vaccine reaction, make sure your veterinarian is aware of that.
•  Vaccinate your adult dog for rabies every 3 years, or the maximum interval allowed by law. All states now have 3 year licenses after the second vaccine is administered, but county and city laws may differ. Check out rabieschallengefund.orgto learn about a grassroots movement seeking to extend the rabies booster interval from 3 to 5 (and then 7) years!

What about drugs? A wise old veterinary professor once quipped, “If a medication doesn’t have side effects, it doesn’t have effects either.” This is true for everything from aspirin to antibiotics. Think about the drug commercials on TV which end with 10 seconds of serious warnings!  

•  Make sure your veterinarian is aware of all drugs and supplements your dog receives, especially when writing a new prescription. If your dog is on chronic medications, such as thyroid medication or arthritis medication (NSAIDs), periodic bloodwork is recommended to monitor organ systems and/or blood levels of the drug.
•  With your veterinarian’s help, work to find the lowest effective pain medication dosage to minimize side effects.
•  In some situations, supplements may be used in place of, or along with drugs to allow lower drug dosages.
•  In terms of potential for toxicity, drugs fall on a spectrum. Some are much safer than others. Ask your vet to educate you on the common side effects of any medication your dog receives.
•  Side effects of drugs can often be counteracted with herbs. An example of this would be using milk thistle along with drugs known to insult the liver.
•  Understand that adverse drug reactions many not occur immediately. Sometimes they occur after the dog has been on the drug for years. 

I’m convinced that vaccinations and medications are a double-edged sword. Both are an integral part of maintaining health. Both also hold the potential for harm.

Yes, I am opening a can of worms. But I couldn’t write a series on helping our dogs reach their maximum health and longevity potential without touching on these issues. Be informed. Be intentional. Be observant, with the ultimate goal of partnering with your veterinarian in weighing the risks versus benefits of anything you administer to your dog.

Dr. Julie Buzby is a homeschooling mom of seven, American Veterinary Chiropractic Association and International Veterinary Acupuncture Society certified holistic veterinarian, and passionate advocate for canine mobility. She can be found at Twitter @DrBuzby and on You'll also find more of Dr. Julie's posts at our Ask the Vet Archives page.

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Dr. Julie's opinion or advice does not replace an actual exam with a veterinarian.

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