Treat Assortment Giveaway for 1 Fabulous Fido!

Treat Assortment Giveaway for 1 Fabulous Fido!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
5 Treats for One Woofing Winner
Oliver is making a big sacrifice. When you enter by comment, be sure to tell him how much you appreciate his giving up these goodies! One winner will get 2 Good Buddy rawhides, 1 bag of Terra Paws, 1 snack pack of  Dog Pack Snacks, and 1 lickable treat for dogs.  Sounds curious, huh? I hope you'll let us know what you think.

Oliver and Tanner have agreed to give up these tasty morsels if you promise to leave appreciative comments and tweet up the great giveaways you find here at All Things Dog Blog. Something like this will work:
"We love @AllThingsDog's giveaways. Check their middle 
sidebar for all the goodies you can enter to win."
 Oh...and one more thing. If you get a chance to stop by 5 Minutes for Fido, where Tanner and Oliver offer up silliness and occasional attitude, could you let them know they are doing a good job. I think they are feeling just a tad bit over-worked. I'm giving them this week off to chill--dog park, swim, and other such frivolous activities. No product reviews. They could definitely use an "attaboy!". Maybe a shoutout to their new Twitter account would be nice:

"@5MinutesforFido is taking this week off to 
give mama @AllThingsDog moral support for her vacation."

The prize above will be awarded on Friday December 9th. Entries will close at midnight, December 8th. Be sure to leave a comment when you tweet. You may enter once daily per method. Good luck. 

Happy tails!

Full disclosure:  The products in this giveaway are review samples, conference swag, promotional giveaway product and uncollected prizes. There is no purchase necessary to win. By entering you agree to abide by our Giveaway and Contest Rules.

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