Top 10 Most Dangerous, Expensive, Loyal, & Fascinating Dog Breeds

Top 10 Most Dangerous, Expensive, Loyal, & Fascinating Dog Breeds

Calling them "man's best friend" may be a cliche, but no description is more apt to describe the relationship of humans with these fascinating creatures. Loyal, smart, protective, fun and playful, dogs have served as man's ultimate companion since time immemorial.
But did you know that a dog's loyalty to his master can reach enormous, fascinating levels? Yes, there are dog breeds which are amazingly loyal to their owners.
What other "mosts" are there when it comes to these canines which man has considered to be his best friend since time immemorial? How about the world's most expensive dog breed? Or the most dangerous? Or you probably are hoping to own a canine breed which is considered to be one of the most fascinating.
Here, we will take a look at the world's most amazing dog breeds - and describe what is it exactly that makes them so outstanding.
Counting Down the Top 10 Most Amazing Dog Breeds
If you're thinking of a breed of dog to take care of, it is good to have an idea about what its temperament is, its characteristic and what makes it unique. [Owning a Dog]
To help you out, we will have a countdown of the top 10 most amazing dog breeds - ranging from the most dangerous, loyal, fascinating, popular and expensive breeds that you can buy.
1. Doberman Pinscher

Distinction: One of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
With their tall and compact bodies, dark color and alert ears, it is easy to see why the Doberman Pinscher as a dog breed is considered to be one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. Simply referred to as Doberman, this canine breed originated from Germany.
Generally, a domesticated Doberman is loyal, intelligent and alert. If you own this dog breed, they will be particularly loyal to you and aggressive towards strangers. They also do not like rivalry with other dogs.
What makes caring for a Doberman pinscher particularly dangerous is when the owners lack guidance, subject them to abuse or if not enough attention is given to them - upon which they can become destructive, dominant and extremely aggressive. [Dog Behavior]
2. German Shepherd

Distinction: One of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
Another German breed of dog which is considered to be one of the most dangerous in the world is the German Shepherd. Unlike the Dobermans, this breed of canine does not have a particularly menacing look because they have a long coat and a generally mild-looking face.
However, they are extremely intelligent, strong and obedient, which is probably the reason why most police and military establishments employ them as guard dogs. Another characteristic of the German Shepherds which makes them particularly dangerous is their aggression towards smaller dog breeds.
3. Rottweiler

Distinction: One of the most dangerous dogs in the world.
Did you know that Rottweiler is also known as Butcher dog? This canine breed ranks third in our list of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. They are energetic, intelligent and hardy animals.
The thing which makes Rottweiler - and any dog breed for that matter - become dangerous is when they are subject to abuse and neglect. They also become a hazard to the community if they do not have sufficient training when it comes to mingling with humans or other animals.
In addition, Rottweilers are aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex. If you have cats and birds in the house, they might also exhibit aggressive behavior towards them.
4. Samoyed

Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
Next, we will take a look at a few of the most expensive dog breeds in the world. This 'luxury' dog breed has a price ranging from around $3,000 to $8,000.
What makes the Samoyed breed particularly expensive is the fact that they are among the ancient dog breeds that have been around for the last three centuries.
There are also a dwindling number of Samoyed dog breeders which is another reason why an owner needs to pay an arm and a leg to call this canine breed his or her best friend.
5. English Bulldog or British Bulldog

Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
How would you feel about owning a dog breed which is also owned by the British royals? In the United States in particular, English or British bulldogs are both expensive and popular. This breed of dog is also favored by a lot of men who see the breed as being a symbol of masculinity and tenacity.
If you're thinking about a breed of dog to buy and you are willing to shell out the money for it, then you might as well go with one of the most popular and expensive dog breeds in the world - the British or English bulldog. A typical English bulldog puppy can cost you anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000.
6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Distinction: One of the most expensive dogs in the world.
To cap off our list of the most expensive dog breeds, there is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel which can cost anywhere from $800 to about $3,500 for a puppy. What makes the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel expensive and special is that they are the ultimate definition of a man's best friend.
When you look at their puppy-dog eyes, their rich coats and their small, compact bodies, it is easy to see why anybody would want to spend a significant amount of money just to be able to own a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy.
7. Labrador Retriever

Distinction: One of the most popular dogs in the world.
Finally, we'll move on to some of the most popular dog breeds in the world. First, there's the Labrador Retriever. They are among the world's most popular dog breeds according to the American Kennel Club because of their friendly demeanor.
If you would like to purchase a dogs which is great with kids and works as a great solo companion as well, then you can never go wrong by choosing to care for a Labrador Retriever.
8. Golden Retriever

Distinction: One of the most popular dog breeds in the worlds.
Golden Retrievers rank next to the Labrador Retriever as the most popular dogs in the world. This cousin breed is almost synonymous with the dog that almost every average American family has.
What's so good about this breed of canine is that they are gentle by nature and their temperament is suitable for kids and all members of the family to play with.
Despite their large size, they do have a way with kids which make for the perfect canine friend. Just make sure that you have enough room for them to grow, because they can weigh as much as 90 pounds.
9. Yorkshire Terrier

Distinction: One of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Yorkshire Terrier dogs are small pooches which are also an ideal family dog. Let's say that you live in an apartment which allows pets - but there isn't much room for the dogs to move around. Naturally, you would be selecting a breed which is small in nature - and the Yorkshire Terrier is perfect for such a setup.
10. Dachshunds

Distinction: One of the most popular dogs in the world.
This dogs with a unique name, Dachshund, is also known as wiener dogs. They do have a unique body shape and they are known for their playful and sometimes ferocious nature.
There are different kinds of Dachshunds that you can own - including the long-haired, standard Dachshunds which has a calm demeanor, or the wire-haired Dachshund which has a personality more like the terrier's.
Now that you already have an idea about the world's most expensive, dangerous and popular dog breeds, which one are you planning to own?

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