Tips for Selecting the Healthiest Dog Food

Tips for Selecting the Healthiest Dog Food

What does your canine pet really need to stay healthy and fit? You can achieve wonders with the right dog food. But how do you choose between the many different products available in the market at present? It all comes down to the ingredients and how well they can meet the needs of your pet. Find out what to look for when comparing products.
Energy Boost
Despite the common misconception that canines require protein only, they need a healthy amount of carbohydrates in their dog food. Any product containing around 50% carbs is a good choice for the average pet dog. If your pet is more active because of its breed and lifestyle, you should consider a product with more carbs.
Barley, rice and wheat are all excellent healthy sources of carbs in canine food. You should also look for ingredients which add fibre such as corn, rice hulls and pulp from certain vegetables like beet. Fibre has extremely valuable properties. It improves digestion and ensures regular and proper bowel movements. It makes canines feel full for longer and just like in humans this can help to prevent overeating and weight gain.
Strength and Vitality
Protein is also crucial for the health of any canine. It should form around 35% of the animal's daily food intake. It is the main source of amino acids, which are the building blocks of cells, tissues, organs, muscles and bones.
It is best if you pick dog food which contains sources of lean protein such as chicken, veal and fish. These ingredients are valuable because they are sources of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamins from the B group, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium and selenium. Other healthy and nutritious sources of protein include eggs and liver.
Proper Vitamin Absorption
It is a myth that fat is bad. It is actually essential for the absorption of important vitamins and minerals in the body of all mammals including dogs and humans. It gives the lustre to the coat of canines and keeps their skin healthy. Furthermore, it gives the dog food flavour which will make your pet love it.
Fat should account for about 15% of the dog's daily nutrient intake. Healthy sources of fat in canine pet food include vegetable oil, soybean oil and fish oil. Poultry fat is also acceptable. It is best to stay away from products which contain other types of animal fat.
Last, but not least, the dog food which you buy should have some moisture in it. This will help for a healthy urinary tract. Of course, your pet should have direct access to fresh water at all times as well.

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