The Health Benefits of Being Loved by a Dog

The Health Benefits of Being Loved by a Dog

By Suzanne Alicie

I could begin this by saying there are many health benefits that come from owning a dog, but dog owners know that the main benefit of having a dog is being loved by him.  Unconditional, adoring, slobbery, jumping, romping love is a health benefit in itself.  There are also many other health benefits to being loved by a dog, and loving a dog as well.

Responsible pet owners know that having a dog means they are responsible for not only the food and shelter of their dog, but also for the many other aspects of his life. This leads to a healthy and regimented routine. There is a time for walking, a time for playing, a time for eating, and a time for resting. This is a healthy way to live your life because it keeps you from becoming too busy. You can’t become too unscheduled, because your dog is depending on you to be there at a certain time of day to provide food, attention and care.

Dogs are also a great way to enjoy getting your exercise. When you are outdoors running and playing with your canine friend, you don’t think of it as exercising. However, not only are you out getting fresh air, you are also raising your heart rate and often working your muscles. Regular physical activity is healthy for pet owners of all ages.

To keep your dog physically fit and active, regular play and a nutrient-rich, premium quality natural pet food such as CANIDAE All Life Stages will help him live a long and healthy life along with you. Learning more about how the food you provide for your dog can affect his energy and health may lead you to look more closely at your own diet, because it is important to your dog that you are there to age along with him.

As many studies have shown, the presence of a pet is a form of stress relief and comfort; dogs have been used as therapy companions for teens and the elderly. They provide unconditional love and attention, they are happy to romp and play, or cuddle and be petted. Our dogs help build a sense of responsibility and provide an opportunity to nurture and teach.

Loving a dog from puppyhood to adult and “senior citizen” age can help us understand and deal with the stages of life and death. As Julia Williams noted in her wonderful article, The Inexplicable Human-Animal Bond, those of us who love our pets as family can’t imagine life without them. We play with them, scold them, discipline them and talk to them, and we care for their medical needs, their grooming and their social lives. Yes, the health benefits of being loved by a dog are many, but the main benefit to being loved by a dog, is being able to return that love. 

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