Switching an Outdoor Dog to Indoors

Switching an Outdoor Dog to Indoors

Switching an Outdoor Dog to Indoors

Keeping your dog inside your home with you offers many benefits in terms of your pet's mental and physical health. Indoor dogs tend to be happier, have more interaction with their human families and are less likely to be injured due to accidents or become ill due to exposure to the elements and diseases carried by other animals.

Dog-Proof Your Home

Make a Place For Your Dog

Train Your Dog

Spend Time With Your Dog

- How To Transition An Outdoor Dog Indoors
By Suzanne Alicie If you adopt a dog from an animal shelter, chances are they will have been housed in an outdoor kennel. You might also find yourself providing a new home for a dog whose previous owners kept him outside. But you want your dog to be an...

- The Great Cat Debate: Indoor Versus Outdoor
By Julia Williams Should cats be allowed full access to the outdoors to roam at will, or should they be kept indoors 24/7? This question has likely been debated for as long as people have kept cats as pets. Some people are adamant that cats should never...

- Your Guide To Buying A Dog House
When buying a dog house, two important factors are priority: Comfort and Safety. The style and design may satisfy your eyes, but never compromise your dog's needs. Here is a smart guide on buying a dog house: Consider the size of your dog. Naturally,...

- Dog House Heater
Dogs have a metabolism that can keep them warm. Their natural body heat and furry body helps them stay clear of the winter cold, but only up to a certain temperature. Areas with extreme temperatures can be harmful for them. They need warmer kennels...

- Dog Kennel Designs
Be it indoors or outdoors, having a dog house or a kennel is convenient for both, the pet as well as the owner. Smaller breeds of dogs like the Yorkshire terrier or the poodle, may not require a separate kennel, but larger dogs do. It is also safe...

