Spaying Your Dog

Spaying Your Dog

For people with pet dogs, the importance of spaying cannot be stressed enough. It is absolutely imperative for a dog owner to spay their dog, as this avoids a lot of unwanted and unnecessary complications in the future. Spaying a dog is by no means something that must be taken lightly or ignored, and it is crucial not just for the safety of the dog, but for various health benefits as well.

It is the female dogs that need to be spayed, and not doing so, can have many serious repercussions in the future that will have you holding your head. To avoid such a situation from cropping up, pay extreme and close attention to spaying her as soon as possible. The sooner you get down to doing this, the better it will be for everyone involved. The ideal time for this is before she is 6 months old and also before her first heat period strikes. If you have not spayed your dog before this time period, it is not the end of the world though. Make an appointment immediately, and get round to it.

What to Expect After Spaying Your Dog
For females, this is a removal of the uterus and the ovaries. It sounds a little extreme but when dogs are in heat they just manage to find one another no matter what, and this results in the birth of unwanted babies. Spaying your dog is crucial in order to prevent this from happening. For male dogs, the corresponding procedure is known as neutering. The most important advantage is the prevention of mammary cancer, or breast cancer. The sooner you spay your dog, the lower the chances of dog cancer being contracted. Thus, it is ideally the best choice to spay a dog before her first heat period comes along.

Some more advantages are as follows. Spaying Your Dog While on Heat
Now this is a doubt that most people regularly have, and the truth is that some vets agree to doing this while some do not. There are obviously more complications to spaying her while on heat, but if you are really eager then you must go ahead with it. The best scenario would be to wait till the heat period passes along, but then that would be slightly risky. Visit your vet for an expert opinion and if he is willing to go ahead with the surgery, it's probably best to adhere. The decision also depends on how many male dogs there are in your neighborhood. If the number is high then you should not waste any time.

Spaying Dog Side Effects
Since this is an invasive surgery there are bound to be some side effects. There is going to be an open wound on the dog with stitches, so the idea is to minimize physical activity as much as possible. The dog will most likely feel sleepy and lethargic after the surgery, and about one week of rest should be adequate to make a full recovery. If your dog is very active and playful, consult your vet and administer some antihistamine like diphenhydramine. It is very rare to see complications in spaying female dogs and this is something that arises, only if, all the instructions for the care of the animal are not followed.

The dog should be kept indoors strictly and the doctor prescribed dosage of painkillers and antibiotics must be given regularly. You must pay a visit to the doctor after about 9 days or so, so that he can inspect the wound and see, if there are any unwanted complications. Spaying dog recovery is usually quick and painless, unless there is some hardcore physical activity for a week after the surgery. You must take all the precautions possible for dog care after spaying.

The Cost of Spaying
The cost depends on a variety of factors like the age, the size, the weight and the previous medical history. The sooner the spaying procedure is done, the lower will be the cost. On an average the charge can be anything between $50 - $150. It is important to go to a vet with whom you have had prior dealings, or a vet whom you know personally. This will help you get additional information and will also enable a greater degree of personalization of the case.

At the end of the day, it is fair to say that by spaying your dog, you are increasing the life span of the animal. Many diseases can be avoided by this procedure, and it also helps prevent the birth of unwanted puppies. It is very risky for a female dog to have pups at a young age, and this can lead to many serious repercussions in the future. It also reduces hormonal swings and moodiness which are quite common amongst dogs. If you are keen to see your dog have babies then you can pass up this procedure, but this will require a lot of extra care and attention. It is an essential act though, that must be done at some stage in the dog's life. The sooner the better.

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