So Your Dog is a Thief? Enjoying Dinner with Company

So Your Dog is a Thief? Enjoying Dinner with Company

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Jackal of all Trades via
Salvage Your Dinner Party
Strange topic for a Weekly Wag, right? Maybe not. Ever have a gathering for dinner during which your dog becomes the center of attention due to begging, whining or downright food thievery? Embarrassing, right?! 

The strategy we use at the All Things Dog Blog house is so simple that you'll be scratching your head and wondering "Why didn't I think of that?" I take a Kong or other fillable chew toy, layering several of my dog's favorite yummies inside. Freeze this delicious meal before serving just as your guests are seated. 

The layers are key as they make the ensuing chow time a virtual hunt as your dog, one by one, uncovers a new layer of something tasty. Vary the textures, colors and flavors and your dog will stay with his frozen delight for quite a while, licking every last bit of residue and not wishing to abandon his latest thrill.

I'll include here a recent visual example provided by the AKC, so you can get some ideas of things to go inside. You'll probably find plenty of leftovers in your fridge that will work great, just remember to go easy on the fatty items like cheese or hotdogs.

After you ask your dog to sit and wait permission, give him a nice gentle ear rub or stroke his back as he enjoys starting this fab snack. When you slip away to join your guests, he'll
hardly notice you're gone and will eagerly look forward to the next dinner party. What's more, you can proudly watch as he noshes away at his treat while your guests have a peaceful dinner. Repeat after me: "Gosh, I love that dog!"

Tell me about your latest dinner party--disaster or success? We would all love to hear your stories. The comment link is open.

Happy tails,

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Join us each week for the Weekly Wag bonding series, held during the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. The hop is hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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