Show-Me Animal Products Makes Active Dog First Aid Ready To Go

Show-Me Animal Products Makes Active Dog First Aid Ready To Go

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Belt Pack is Handy for Hiking
or Activities 'On the Go'
Are you and your Fido on the go a great deal? The folks at Show-Me Animal products have a natural active dog first aid kit that's perfect for dog athletes, hiking, camping--any activities that you do on the go--where you may need quick first aid.

This kit is offered in two different containers, depending on your needs. When you're not sticking to one area (hiking for example), the belt pack is perfect. Slip your belt through the slot and carry the kit on your belt for quick first aid no matter where you are. 

The canvas pouch has a nice flap inside to help keep contents clean, and each of the components are wrapped in plastic to keep them clean. The front flap secures with velcro.

© Carrie Boyko
Hardshell Kit
Also Includes First Aid Help
If your activities are more centrally located or you worry about moisture or heavy activity, you may prefer the hardshell plastic container for storing your kit. Each container holds the same list of useful items for first aid on-the-go. 

 What's particularly nice about this kit is the laminated instruction sheet that comes inside. Whether it's raining or muddy, this First Aid primer offers tips for urgent care in a number of different areas: cuts and wounds; rashes, itches and skin irritations; Emergency action list; CPR instructions, bee stings and bites; fractures or broken bones; toenail bleeding; puncture wounds and suspected poisoning. That's quite a list to squeeze onto this sheet, yet they've managed to do it without printing it microscopically. Very impressive!
© Carrie Boyko
There's Even a Small Pair of Scissors!

You can purchase either of these kits online at Show-Me Animal Products, where you'll also find a complete list of the contents. Show-Me Animal Products also has first aid kits for many other types of pets, including ferrets, birds, cats, hunting dogs, and even a barn kit. You'll find more about these here. If you are involved in a pet related sport, this product has your name all over it. You may want to stop by their Facebook page and "Like" them to keep up with their news.

© Carrie Boyko
Handy Belt Pack
Lucky for us, I met the nice people who run this company at Global Pet Expo. They generously gave me a kit to test with my dogs, and 3 to give away to YOU! I keep my kit in the cubby hole of my car in the event of an accident, or for any injuries that may occur at the dog park, hiking, swimming, and camping. I've had to use it only once, but I sure was glad to have it. Tanner cut himself at the dog park and had a pretty good bleed going. It made me feel a lot better to clean the wound, remove debris, and apply a dressing to cover it until we got home and could do more extensive icing for swelling. 

© Carrie Boyko
It All Fits Inside
Some first aid kits include a simple muzzle, as a fearful or severely injured dog may lash out when touched, if he is frightened. Only you can judge whether your dog may react this way, but it certainly is a good idea for an item to add to your kit. 

Each of the 3 times Tanner has been injured, his trust in me was evident. He allowed me to clean and probe, doing what was needed, carrying him to the car as well. While I was fortunate with Tanner, I've never had an injury with Oliver, so there's no telling what may happen with him, but then he's just a little whipper snapper, so I'm not terribly concerned about getting bitten by him. (Don't tell Oliver I said that!)

© Carrie Boyko
I've Got the "Natural" Version
Hopefully I have you thinking about being prepared, whether it be in an accident or a natural disaster, first aid supplies are imperative to assuring you get your pup to the vet without further detriment to his health. 

Let's give 3 kits away to get you guys in the mood for thinking about first aid in an emergency. If you don't win, I encourage you to check out your options and purchase supplies for taking care of your dog in an emergency. Click the title if the Rafflecopter entry form does not appear here. It will refresh and appear here:

Full disclosure: Show-Me Animal Products provided me with an Active Dog First Aid Kit to test out with my dogs. I have not been paid to provide a review and the thoughts shared here are my own.

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