Shouldn't Your Big Dog Be Welcome on Vacation?

Shouldn't Your Big Dog Be Welcome on Vacation?

by Carrie Boyko

(c) Carrie Boyko
Tanner Models
 like a Gentleman
Help us assist our friends at Go Pet Friendly with their efforts to bring a welcome mat to our larger canine travelers. Tanner wants to go to places far away, and he won't be welcome, simply because he weighs 70 lbs. Now you tell me, is that a mischievous dog in that picture? Tisk!

He's a well-behaved, friendly Golden Retriever, who is likely to be quieter than many of the other patrons of any upscale hotel. He's not a party animal; he's more of a social butterfly. Will you help? Just click the link to sign the petition:
Online Petition
Online Petition

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