Puppies for Adoption

Puppies for Adoption

You know, I've always thought of adoption as a particularly noble deed, as it no doubt is, but one that needs an exceptionally generous heart. While I may be right, I'm also fairly certain that when you decide to bring a canine member into your family, you won't need an exceptionally generous heart - what you will need is will power, to stop you from bringing home more than one. From one dog lover to another, I don't think there's anything cuter in the whole world than a puppy - yes panda babies and tiger cubs come close, but let's face it, you may have a few problems (like survival) with a tiger cub, that will eventually grow into, well, a tiger, and the baby panda might just land you in jail. So let's stick to the adoption of puppies shall we? I promise, though I doubt you need me to, that save for a few incidents while puppy potty training, and a few chewing incidents that we won't talk about right now, you won't be disappointed.

Why Adoption is Better than Buying a Puppy

Before you head to a pet store to buy a purebred puppy, stop for a minute and think. Puppies are super cute, but they do need consistent and constant supervision and care. If you're new to raising dogs, and the thought of coming home to a happy bundle of fur is one of the motivating factors that's influencing your decision to pick from a list of puppies for adoption, it's time for a reality check. If you work, and your lifestyle would mean leaving an unsupervised puppy at home for hours on end, it's not just unwise to bring home a puppy, it's cruel. Pet separation anxiety can wreak havoc on a home, but the damage that it inflicts on a young pup's mind is difficult to undo. Puppies are a full-time affair - so unless you have the time and the patience to deal with the housebreaking, the chewing, nipping, teething, exercising and grooming, pet adoption, specifically the adoption of puppies, is not a fair choice to make.

If however, you feel that you will be able to accommodate the needs of a pet, and adjustments to your lifestyle are a small price to pay for the love and companionship that are part and happy parcel, dog adoption is for you. You may want to choose a pet from a professional breeder or a pet store, but before you do, take the time to visit the pound or an animal shelter close to you. If nothing else, you'll have spent a while with the animals there, and you never know, you might find yourself forming an instant bond with what will become a friend for life. Although it's the norm to make a selection from puppies, adopting a dog is also an option to consider. Many dogs, abandoned by owners who have moved elsewhere, or just couldn't care less, will make wonderful companions to new owners - all they look for, and I say this without exception, is love and affection. While abandoned dogs may require a while for rehabilitation, you will need no further reward, than a warm head that rests on your feet with contentment. If you're chosen as the lucky one to be allowed to give your dog a belly rub, you have reason to feel proud - only a very secure dog will lie down belly up, it's a dog behavior thing.

There are a number of places you can visit to pick out puppies. If you're looking for a specific breed, for instance if you're on the lookout for German Shepherd puppies, an internet search will help you locate a shelter that can fulfill your requirements. Though many people (and I confess I was one too, but am now a convert) have a pure breed fixation, many are unaware that mixed breeds are often more resistant to genetic disorders and health issues that arise from excessive inbreeding. The obsession with pure breeds is sort of like a perverse dog racism, isn't it? Adopting a pet and giving it a loving home and family is a wonderful thing to do - dogs especially are so very easy to love and so eager to please, they can brighten up the gloomiest day. Bring home a dog and you've got yourself the best friend ever - guaranteed!

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