Pup Profiles: Here's Smudge!

Pup Profiles: Here's Smudge!

© P.S. reader copyright on file
My nickname is Smudge-a-roo

The thing I hate most is being stuck in my car seat while mom is in the front of the car driving

My most embarrassing moment was when mom put a Halloween wig on me

My favorite physical activity is chasing lizards

Would you enjoy having your dog featured in our Pup Profiles column? All you have to do is drop me an email to [email protected]. Send your pup's photo (no people, please!) along with the answers to the four red questions.

Here's some other Pup Profiles you may have missed:

All Things Dog Blog also enjoys sharing our readers' rescue stories. Do you have a Rescuing Rover story to share with us? Your story may be published with a photo of your dog, by sending it to us at [email protected]. Your story will receive copyright acknowledgement per your instructions. We look forward to hearing your tale of rescuing your own rover.

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