Potty Training Dogs

Potty Training Dogs

It is quite an annoying situation when a dog urinates or defecate at the wrong time and at the wrong place. To avoid such circumstances, dog potty training is a must to do step as soon as you bring any type of dog at home. Potty training dogs, similar to other dog grooming tips, is quite easy when conducted in the puppy stage. Puppies are more receptive to training than the older dogs. Potty training adult dogs, though possible, is difficult as they are usually stubborn and hard to manipulate their behavior. Let's discuss in brief about potty training for dogs in easy ways.

How to Potty Train Dogs?

In order to potty train your dog, you need to have a lot of time and patience. Do not yell at the pet dog or punish him even if he urinates or poops at the wrong place, rather you can clean it up quietly. The key tips to successful dog potty training are taking outside after meals, confinement in a particular area, using potty, proper training and praising.

Taking Dog Outside: You can take the dog outside at expected times for bowel movement such as in the morning when he wakes up, before sleeping and after breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Take him to backyard or back side of the garage for elimination. Doing so, your dog will develop good potty habits within a short duration.

Confinement: When you bring your dog, confine him in a crate that is large enough for free moving of the pet. It is an ideal way to potty train a dog, when you do not have time to take him outdoors. Usually, dogs hate to defecate at the place where they stay. In order to make him more comfortable, you can make a partition inside the cage or the crate. By doing so, he can eliminate in one corner and sleep in another corner.

Using Potty: If you are planning to let the dog poop in indoors, you can make use of a dog potty. There are a wide range of dog's potty available in the market, majority of which resemble simple trays. You can purchase the right size dog potty depending upon the size of your dog. Take him to the potty at expected times of the day.

Training: While house training a puppy or dog, you can make use of a comfortable dog leash, so that he remains within your reach. This will help in training and supervising the dog to defecate at the correct place. Also when you potty train a dog, use easy verbal communication like 'go potty' or 'go outside'. Repeated use of these words during dog training will make him understand what you mean.

Potty Train Older Dogs: To potty train older dogs, you need to understand first the dog's behavior, whether he is gentle or arrogant. You can ask the previous owner or the dog breeder regarding the nature of the dog. Some dog owners are of the opinion that house training is easier with adult and older dogs. According to them, an adult dog has a well-developed bladder control, which is not so in case of a puppy. This gives time to take the dog outside to the potty whenever he wants to eliminate.

Praising: Do not forget to praise your dog when he passes stool at the correct place or where you want him to eliminate. You can make your pet dog happy by giving his favorite dog food or toy. Your dog is wise enough to understand that he is being praised for his good deed. Hence, the next time he wants to pee or poop, he will eliminate at the appropriate place.

Keep in mind that you are not just house training your dog, but you are building an intense bond with him. You will be fascinated to see how quickly he obeys your commands if you give him lots of affection along with proper dog care.

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