Potty Training Classes for Puppies

Potty Training Classes for Puppies

Potty Training Classes for Puppies

Housebreaking a puppy is a primary concern for most new pet owners. Preventing messes and keeping a clean house can be a real challenge for an untrained dog. Puppy training classes teach basic obedience, leash etiquette and tricks in addition to potty training. Potty training combined with basic obedience skills makes for a well-rounded pet.

Training Classes

Classes Versus Trainers

When to Train Your Puppy


- Potty Training A Female Puppy
Taking a puppy home is an exciting time for a person or family. It is easy to want to just hold and play with your new puppy, but it is also time to start potty training from the beginning. Positive reinforcement can only go so far. It is up to the new...

- How To Potty Train With A Crate
Potty training with a crate is a great tool for you and your pet. It has the added benefits of safety and protection against items in your home from being damaged, when you cannot be there. Crate training takes a lot of time, patience and repetition...

- How To Potty Train A Yorkie On Puppy Pads
A common method for potty training Yorkies is by using puppy pads. Since a Yorkie is a small breed dog, many pet owners find puppy pad training an easy and convenient house training method, especially for apartment living. Potty training a Yorkie on...

- How To Train Two Puppies To Potty Outside
Perhaps one of the most difficult and vital milestones puppy owners must surmount is training the animals where to use the restroom. While it may seem even harder the train two puppies instead of one, the process is the same. The two puppies may even...

- Potty Dog Training
You may not believe it, but you can train puppies and older dogs to go to the bathroom on command. Many puppies can hear words that are repeated and associate them with what you want them to do. For instance, when your puppy is outside relieving him or...

