Pets and the Fourth of July

Pets and the Fourth of July

By Julia Williams

The 4th of July is such a fun holiday for humans, but it's one of the most stressful days of the year for our dogs and cats. The loud noises and flashes of light from fireworks can be really frightening for them. According to Petfinder, more pets go missing on the 4th of July than any other day of the year.

Here are just a few tips to help keep your pet safe as you and your family celebrate the holiday.

* Don't take your dog to the fireworks display. They're noisy, crowded and can create anxiety and aggression in even the most normally easygoing canine.  

* Keep pets on their normal diet to avoid any stomach upsets. I know it's hard to resist the adorable begging face of a dog drooling over your barbecue fare, but do it for their sake. If you want to give them a treat, some CANIDAE TidNips are a healthy choice that won't spoil their dinner. Give your dog his treats with a loving pat on the head, and he may even forget all about that hot dog! Well, maybe not, but you won't have to deal with the after effects of a sick dog. 

* Make sure your pets stay indoors in a secure location, such as a spare bedroom. For pets that are extremely frightened of fireworks noise, playing some soothing music at a low volume might help to calm them.

* Keep windows and doors closed to prevent your pet from running away if they become frightened by the fireworks  

* Make sure your pets are wearing their identification tags in case they do escape. Nothing ruins a celebration faster than having to go on a frantic search for a lost pet.

* Give your pet something to do, such as a really fun toy that can keep their attention. They may get so caught up in play that they hardly notice all the noise of the fireworks. Admittedly, this tip is more for dog owners – there is no toy in existence that would distract my skittish kitties while the fireworks are going off.

* Create a temporary “safe haven” for your pet by putting their pet bed, favorite blanket, toys and some water in a closet or other small enclosed pace. It will help them feel safe and block out some of the fireworks noise.

* If you’re having a party, keep your pet behind closed doors, and put a sign on the door so no one accidentally opens it. Cats especially will feel more secure locked away from all of the hustle and bustle.

* Store fireworks safely out of reach. Like children, pets are naturally curious about things they see lying around. To them, anything has the potential to be a cool new toy they can bat around or chew on. But fireworks contain substances that are dangerous to pets and could even kill them, so be sure they’re kept where dogs, cats and kids can’t get to them.

With just a few simple precautions, you can enjoy your 4th of July celebration while keeping your furry BFF safe and sound. Happy Independence Day everyone! What are your plans for the day?

Dog photo by Don Graham
Cat photo by BeachGranny

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