Petco Holiday Winners Shine

Petco Holiday Winners Shine

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Oliver Models Rosette
Neck Accessory
I absolutely must have my head examined for tackling these sized dog giveaways. Note to self: Remember to request groups of prizes for the next holiday hoopla. While drawing separately for each size and sex assures that I read the comments and my emails, it certainly is labor intensive. Following are the fruits of my labors for both Petco Giveaway #1 and Petco Giveaway #2. I'll fill you each in on which item you won when I email your announcement from [email protected]. Watch for it and be sure to reply quickly with your address so I can get prizes out Monday.

The winners of the holiday accessories and clothing are: Robin Q., Christine A, Carly D, Vanessa M, Lorraine L, Shelly P, Jessica R and Lenny G. I absolutely have to say a hearty thank you to all the big dogs who participated in the vigorous commenting. Giveaways like this necessitate that I know the size and sex of your dogs, so hearing from you is especially important in these instances. Thank you again; it was nice to see new readers participating alongside my loyal followers.

The winners of the 3 Petco toy prizes are Kathy D, Janet G and Sharon G. Again, thanks to those of you who took on the added effort of letting me know you would like to be considered for the Menorah. That is a special prize that deserves to be in an appreciative home. 

With the holidays upon us, I'd like to send a big, warm thank you to all of you. All Things Dog Blog and Event Barkers have brought me a great deal of enjoyment. I look forward to seeing you all at the #SuperDogPics Twitter Party and Super Dog Sunday (tm) charity photo contest to support Petfinder Foundation. 

With some family health challenges hitting us just at the holidays, my posting will be minimized to a few giveaways that will continue into the New Year. I invite you to watch as they unfold throughout the next 2 weeks, allowing you to have a chance to win some absolutely wonderful prizes. I'll leave the light on for you :)

Happy holidays,

These giveaways were offered by Petco as a promotional opportunity. I was not paid to provide them or to share my comments in the postings; they are my own.

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