Pet Product Reviews on Mutt Monday

Pet Product Reviews on Mutt Monday

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Optimized MuttMonday BadgePet product reviews may well be one of the top reasons that blog readers visit All Things Dog Blog, next to our giveaways, of course! I watch our stats and find that the bonding and training posts are extremely popular as well, but there's definitely a huge interest in learning about new products that solve problems for you and your Fido.

Today's collection of links will lead you on an adventure to look up pet products that interest you, specifically for your particular pup. Every dog has different needs and likes, so we hope to see more linkups that will share reviews of interest to you.

Next week's Mutt Monday theme will be:

Pet Product Demonstrations

Before you leave, give me a paw up with letting others know about our Mutt Monday events. Your help is most appreciated! Just click the RT symbol to Tweet:

Join us next week for more product fun. In addition to our pet product demonstrations, Event Barkers will be sharing our first daytime Twitter chat on Wednesday, April 10. A tamer version of our Twitter Parties, this will be your opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with a brand representative who can actually give you answers to your tough questions. Watch for more details on Wednesday.

Happy tails,

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