Pet Fashion Fun on Etsy: Meet Gypsy Eyes Clothing

Pet Fashion Fun on Etsy: Meet Gypsy Eyes Clothing

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Oliver Shows Off His Hoodie

Last year when Super Dog Sunday was in the planning phase, I just happened to meet a young lady with an adorable Etsy shop. Her selection of pet hoodies and other goodies (yes, I meant to rhyme that!) was cute then; but my goodness, this year it has come a long way. Gypsy Eyes Clothing needs a new feature--a Wish List!

As I browsed this year, after chatting with owner Brandy, I ticked off numerous items that I'd be delighted to add to Oliver's wardrobe. Good thing I don't have a girl dog, I guess. I'd be in big trouble.

courtesy Gypsy Eyes Clothing
Ruffled Dog Coat
Beside's Brandy's NFL print hoodies, she makes wedding tuxes for dogs and kitties, scarves, coats, bow ties and business ties, and so much more. If you love accessories or just need a warm pair of jammies for Fido or Fluffy, Gypsy Eyes Clothing is the place to go. Not only will you find a great selection, but her prices can't be beat.
courtesy Gypsy Eyes ClothingInterchangeable Ties

And there's more! Gypsy Eyes Clothing will be giving away 2 NFL hoodies and 2 fashion hoodies in each of our two upcoming Super Dog events: Super Dog Sunday™ and #SuperDogPics. That's 8 chances you'll have to win one :)

courtesy Gypsy Eyes Clothing
Superman PJ's
Now I'm wondering what you'd want if you were shopping for your pet at Gypsy Eyes Clothing. Care to share? The comment link is open at the bottom and Brandy and I would love to hear your thoughts. What's your fave?

Questions for Brandy? Stop by her Facebook page and see what they're talking about today. You can leave your questions there.

Gypsy Eyes Clothing is sponsoring #SuperDogPics after having joined us last year as a prize provider. You'll be seeing 4 winners take away her adorable pet hoodies.

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