Pet Auto Safety Giveaway!

Pet Auto Safety Giveaway!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Maya Shows Off Outward Hound
I hope by now you've all read my review of the three wonderful products to be given away by Pet Auto Safety. What's my favorite part of this giveaway? You get to choose the solution that works best for you and your dog.

Whether you'd like to seat belt Fido into the back, provide a console barrier or a complete barrier of the center section, you've come to the right place. With 2 dogs following me around on many errands, trips to mom's house and other outings, we know the importance of making sure they're locked in securely before we hit the gas. I'm pleased to be helping a few of you travel safer as well.

Bergan Car Harness
If you don't find yourself in a mood to play the entering game, feel free to check out these products at their website, where you can purchase them yourself. It's quick and painless. In fact, for those of you who prefer the 'sure thing' method of getting your dog's travel safety buttoned up, you can take advantage of's Discount Code: petsafeblogger, on orders at their website. This Discount Code saves you 10% and applies exclusively to  harnesses, all pet car barriers and car seats.

Bergan Car Harness, any size
Pet Net Brand Barrier, standard size
Pet Net Brand Barrier, large
Outward Hound Front Seat Barrier

Pet Net Brand Barrier
You may also enjoy visiting Pet Auto Safety at their Facebook or Twitter pages to get better acquainted or ask questions. Dawn will be happy to assist.

Many owners who allow their dogs to ride up front on the seat do this unknowingly leaving their dog in potential danger. Airbags are extremely powerful and can easily kill or seriously injure a dog in the front seat. Some newer model cars offer an on/off switch, while others engage when weight is placed on the seat. Raised car seats are the only safe method of front seat transportation in cars with airbags that cannot be turned off, and these only work for pint-sized pups. Please keep this in mind as you make choices for transporting your dog.
© courtesy d.r.
Maya, Dawn, and Pierson
Pet Auto Safety's Staff

The Rafflecopter entry form is below the social media icons at the bottom. If you don't see it, simply click on the post title to refresh and it should reappear. Entries will continue through 12:01 AM, Monday, May 21. The winners will be announced that night. Good luck to everyone!

Full disclosure: Pet Auto Safety provided us with a seat belt to properly fit Oliver for crash-tested safety in the back of my car. I am highlighting this and some other products offered by this online pet safety supplier at no cost to them, and I have not been paid to provide my opinion or this review. The prizes given away are provided by the sponsor. No purchase is required to enter the giveaway that is coming soon.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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