P.L.A.Y. Adds Toys to Bed Line

P.L.A.Y. Adds Toys to Bed Line

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog.com
Vegetable Medley of Dog Toys
Speaking to our organic-eating household about vegetables was not exactly a long shot for our friends at Pet Lifestyle and You. Even Tanner seems to understand that these plush dog toys represent good health as well as fun. Tanner is not a destructive dog, largely because we focus our attention on assuring he gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to take care of the need to chew. He enjoys plush toys immensely, yet is very gentle in his play style with them. 

With a nice range of sizes and colors, the whole assortment of Garden Fresh plush vegetables would make an adorable addition to any dog's toy basket; however, we recommend you consider your dog's size when selecting the right toy. Tiny toys can be a choke hazard for large dogs, and jumbo toys may simply not see much action from your pint-sized pups.

Back to school is a time when many families often enjoy placing additional emphasis on a healthy diet, these toys can be a unique way to engage your kids in doggie play that has a healthy slant. Which veggie does your Fido enjoy most?

With these toys being light weight, you'll find that even your smaller dog will be able to enjoy any of them. We did quickly discover, however, that Oliver found the carrot most entertaining. Perhaps that's because he's a carrot lover? I have to wonder if he makes the association. Any thoughts on that? What have you noticed about your dog's associations with real vs. toy items? Looking forward to some banter here...

Back to the toys, I'd love you to know how Eco-friendly this company is. Their stuffing is made from recycled water bottles and the dyes are AZO free. The manufacturing facilities adhere to strict quality standards for infants and children, toys are made with a double layer of fabric and extra stitching for durability, and the most pet-owner friendly fact is that these toys may be tossed in your home washer and dryer for cleaning. Woo ha! I'm loving that feature for sure :)

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No compensation was received for this review or the upcoming giveaway. The opinions shared here are completely my own. We recommend that you supervise plush toy play due to the potential danger of stuffing if eaten by your dog. 

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