Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) Dog Breed

Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) Dog Breed

Old Family Red Nose (OFRN) is an old strain of American Pit Bull Terriers known for their specific reddish coloration. A dog of the red-nosed strain has a copper-red nose and coat, red lips, red toe nails, and red or amber eyes.


In the middle of the 19th century, there was a breed of pit dogs in Ireland that were known as "Old Family." At that time, all the strains were closely inbred with each family clan. Since red is recessive to all colors but white, the breed was known as "Irish Old Family Reds." When the dogs began coming to America, they were already showing the red nose.

The "Old Family Reds" dogs found their way to America mainly via Irish immigrants though many in the United States did import the breed.

Many strains have been crossed with the Old Family Reds at some time in their existence. This is how the breed of American Pit Bull Terrier was created. Consequently, nearly any strain will occasionally throw a red-nosed pup. To many dog owners, these red-nosed individuals are Old Family Red Noses even though the great preponderance of their blood is that of other strains. Sometimes such individuals will fail to measure up and thereby reflect undeserved discredit on the red-nosed strain. However the Old Family Reds produced more than their share of good ones unlike other strains are known. Old Family Reds were sought after for their high percentage in ability to produced deep gameness.

Originally renowned for its gameness, it continues to be bred to maintain its unique reddish color. Some of the most reputable breeders in all Pit Bull history such as Lightner, McClintock, Hemphill, Williams, Menefee, Norrod and Wallace have contributed to the preservation and development of the strain. Finally, as McNolty said in his 30-30 Journal (1967) "Regardless of one's historical perspective, these old amber-eyed, red-nosed, red-toe-nailed, red-coated dogs represent some of the most significant pit bull history and tradition that stands on four legs today." 


Being intelligent, athletic dogs,  American Pit Bull Terriers excel in many dog sports, including weight pulling, dog agility, flyball, lure coursing, and advanced obedience competition. Out of the 36 dogs who have earned UKC "superdog" status (by gaining championship titles in conformation, obedience, agility, and weightpull), 23 have been American Pit Bull Terriers, and another 13 were American Staffordshire Terriers. The American Pit Bull Terrier is a working dog, and is suitable for a wide range of working disciplines due to their intelligence, high energy, and endurance. In the United States they have been used as search and rescue dogs, police dogs performing narcotics and explosives detection, Border Patrol dogs, hearing dogs to provide services to the deaf, as well as general service dogs. In the South they are often a favorite dog for catching feral pigs.

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