New Years Resolutions for Dog Owners

New Years Resolutions for Dog Owners

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
As many of us take pen to paper during the holidays, setting out their plans for the New Year, I hope you'll consider your pets as well. Building them into your lives is especially important to making your life with your dog easier and more enjoyable, so I hope you'll consider some ways to bond more deeply.

Join us here each Saturday for the Weekly Wag series, articles on inspiration, ideas, and activities for bonding with your dog. Want to read up on some of the earlier Weekly Wags? No problem; simply click here and you'll get a stream of our latest. I hope you'll enjoy and find some ideas that work for you.

Linked up below are some topics you may want to consider for this exercise. Bloggers are invited to join in with their ideas and topics. I'll leave this Blog Hop open through the New Year so that you can revisit and see what's new. Happy holidays!
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