Natural Balance's Tillman Visits Memphis

Natural Balance's Tillman Visits Memphis

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
courtesy Natural Balance TV
Tillman Visits the Grand Ole Opry
Friday's episode of Who Let the Dogs Out features a trip to Nashville and many of its legendary spots. Join Tillman and friends as they explore the area, chow down and get a back stage tour. 

The show airs on Hallmark Channel at 1 PM ET. Check local listings for other time zones. You can watch a preview of the episode below:

You can join the Natural Balance team as well as some of the NBInsiders, for a viewing party on Twitter, using the #TillmanTV hashtag. To keep up on other venues, try following @TillmanSkates on Facebook and check out the show's website at the link above. Enjoy the show!

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As an NBInsider, I receive sponsorship to industry events and the opportunity to receive Natural Balance products for Tanner and Oliver. They love their job as product reviewers.

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