National Mutt Day: Celebrate Your Mixed Breed Dog!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
If Xena were still with us we'd be having a party for her today. Her heritage spoke mostly of her Golden Retriever mom who had an enraptured evening when she escaped her home during a heat cycle and, well, you can guess the rest. |
© A. Boyko From the 35 mm. Archives |
Xena's father was apparently a Black Lab/Chow, and she acquired the Lab's color, giving her much the look of a Flat-Coated Retriever. Numerous vets' first impression of her were just this, until they looked a little closer and heard my report.
Being three-quarters Retriever meant that Xena had many of their characteristics. She enjoyed the water, loved to carry things in her mouth, and was extremely people-pleasing. Not a hint of Chow ever showed up in her disposition, ever friendly and affectionate with everyone, but her hind quarters and tail told the story. Bushy "butt fluff" and an upward curl in her tail were a quick sign that additional DNA was at work here.
© C. Boyko Can You Guess What I Am? |
I share all this not because Xena was not a purebred, but because she was. In fact, she was a delightful and affectionate dog who never ceased to disappoint. There is definitely another "Mutt" in our adoption future. With 2 dogs and a cat, though, we're set for now. Our next Mutt will have to wait.
Do you have a Heinz 57 in your home? Let's celebrate our mixed-breed dogs together. Post your smiling furry friends on my Facebook page and be sure to tell us about them. I'll get us started with a pic if our cat, Patches, whose heritage is highly suspect. She could be the poster cat for today's celebration! See you on Facebook.
Helping Bonded Pets Deal With Loss
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Patches and Xena: BFF's Our Retriever mix, Xena, was nearly an only pet at the time we adopted her at our neighborhood PetSmart. Although we did have a kitty, Corey Lou, she was 18 years old and not exactly...
Mutt Monday Is No April Fools!
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Last week's Mutt Monday Census was sooooo much fun! I really enjoyed everyone's comments about their dogs, both pure and mixes. Are you wondering which team ended up with the most comments? I sure was, but the game continues. ...
Dog Owner Help: Xena's Natural And Organic Chow Page
by Carrie Boyko (c) Carrie BoykoXena Loves her Organic Food Xena and I are happy to tell you about a new page added to our site. She has done so well on her organic diet that we want to share it with all of you. You can visit Xena's Natural...
Which Breeds Commonly Make Up A Mutt?
By Langley Cornwell Many of us have loved a mutt at one time or another. A special mixed-breed dog was my beloved companion for 17 years. She was stunningly beautiful and incredibly well behaved, with a sweet yet mischievous personality. My friends and...
My Favorite Dog Breeds
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