Mastitis in Dogs

Mastitis in Dogs

Mastitis in dogs is not observed commonly, however, if the dog is affected, then proper treatment should be given to the dog without any delay to prevent it from becoming severe. Female dogs who have given birth to a pup are more prone to mastitis. The symptoms of mastitis are similar to that of canine breast tumors. Hence, make sure that you do not confuse between these two. Take your dog to a veterinarian and find what is it that she is suffering from.

What is Mastitis in Dogs
Mastitis is an infection in the milk ducts of the dogs, where in the dog's breast is enlarged or its milk duct is blocked. This infection is also referred to as mammitis or mastadenitis. The skin around the nipple might get cracked which might give a way to bacteria. This disorder should be treated as soon as possible else, it might cause gangrene mastitis which is a severe form of this malady.

Treatment for Mastitis in Dogs
The best treatment that you can opt for is antibiotics. Hot packs placed on the affected area will help to some extent in treating mastitis. Applying warm water and warm olive oil may aid in the healing process and is a good cure. While doing this, make sure that the water or oil is not too hot as it might burn the dog's skin. Wrapping a cloth soaked in vinegar around the infected area is also one of the mastitis in dogs treatment which will help. Feeding water on a regular basis might help in maintaining the body temperature of the dog to a normal level. It is best to take the dog to a veterinarian and take proper dog care. If nothing works, then the veterinarian might suggest for the removal of milk glands in order to avoid the disorder from worsening and leading to other dog allergies.

Mastitis Symptoms in Dogs
Swelling in the milk ducts is the most commonly observed mastitis in dog symptom. The dogs milk duct will be warm to touch. When the dogs breasts are touched, she might yelp or wince. Discharge of pus from the milk glands is a mastitis symptom in dogs. Another mastitis symptom in dogs is the formation of septic near the milk glands. Reddening of the breasts will also be observed. They tend to become hard. Deficiency in the level of protein is observed. Along with the above mentioned symptoms, the dog will suffer from lethargy and fever. Severe mastitis can be easily determined through a change in the dog's behavior.

In rare cases, male dogs are affected with this disorder. However, this is a serious medical condition and hence should be treated immediately to reduce the chances of medical complications in your pet dog. If left untreated, it can affect your dog's health and give rise to other dog illnesses and health issues.

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