Mange Treatments for Dogs

Mange Treatments for Dogs

Dogs are much prone to common skin problems due to the presence of mites and other parasites that thrive on their skin. Mange in dogs is a common skin condition that is characterized by itching caused by dog worms or parasitic mites that burrow into their hair follicles or skin. This can be a mild to severe condition. There are two different types of mange, viz. demodectic and sarcoptic, that can affect your dog's skin. Is mange in dogs contagious to humans? Yes, of the two, sarcoptic mange is contagious to humans. Different types of parasites and mites can lead to this health condition and they could affect a single body part like ears, foot, face or affect the entire body as well. This dog health condition can worsen, leading to scaling and scabbing of the skin. There are many mange treatments for dogs and here are a few of them that will help your dog get relief.

Home Remedies

Here are some remedies that will help in providing your dog relief from mange. Other Treatment Options

The treatment depends on two factors - the type of parasite present in the dog's body and the severity of the problem. If you notice or doubt such a skin problem in your dog, it is best to take him to a vet who can decide on the best treatments for your dog. Here is the course of treatment that is usually carried out as a cure for mange in dogs. The veterinarian usually prescribes an anti-bacterial or antifungal drug. The medicine will be required to be given to your dog on a regular basis as prescribed by veterinarian, even after the reddened and swollen areas have dried out. For mild cases, veterinarians may prescribe over-the-counter mite killers. These analgesics can be in the form of solutions, powders or ointments and need to be applied on the affected area after bathing the dog. Lime-sulfur insecticide solution might also be prescribed by veterinarian. This solution consisting of lime, sulfur, and mite insecticide is made for your dog to dip or bathe in. The drugs prescribed by the vet will ensure that the mites or dog fleas no longer reproduce on the dog's skin, as the blood the parasites feed upon will contain substances that are lethal to them.

You can try the home remedies for mange in dogs, till you take him to visit a vet. Localized mange is easier to treat than generalized mange. When it comes to the health condition, it is best to let the veterinarian decide the necessary course of action. Following proper dog care routine to maintain hygiene, is the best way to keep your dog away from such skin problems.

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