Lethargy in Dogs

Lethargy in Dogs

Lethargy also synonymous with laziness, affects animals in much the same way as it affects us humans. By definition, lethargy is a state of inactivity or sluggishness. In most cases, it indicates a dog illness. You may notice sudden laziness in your dog. It can also be a gradual onset.

Here are some symptoms that you need to check your pet for: If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you guess it right, your dog is lethargic. Read on to know about the causes, treatment and care for your pet.


If your dog is showing signs of laziness don't ignore it, your dog most probably is unwell and needs care. Treatment

When your dog exhibits signs of laziness and lack of activity, some simple measures can be taken to ensure that your pet returns to his normal self. A simple change in diet can work wonders. Many a time, a dog may be lethargic due to the simple lack of stimulus. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise. Take your pet out for a walk. One should try and introduce a change in the pet's daily routine. Even a new dog bone or a ball can work wonders. Many times, a dog may feel neglected and thus lose interest in his favorite activities. Ensure that you take out enough time during the day to spend with your dog.

Simple diet supplements like vitamin B complex can make a considerable difference. One can also try digestive enzymes to improve the dog's digestion and nutrition intake. Some dog owners swear by herbal tonics, especially if the dog is recovering from an illness. Usually, lethargy is caused due to the lifestyle a dog leads but if you notice some other signs like the above mentioned ones, its best to consult a vet.

Things Your Vet Should Check As mentioned above, lethargy doesn't always mean that your dog has a serious illness. Check for other symptoms and if nothing else shows up, its best to follow some simple home remedies to care for your pet. Rest assured your pet will be back to its normal self.

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