Lap Dogs--Ya Gotta Love 'Em, or Maybe Not: What Do You Think?

There are dog experts out there who say dogs don't belong on our laps. Some believe this is a dominant place for a dog to be, and that they should ALWAYS be on the floor. I understand their position on this. However, as you can see from these photos, my dogs aren't exactly aware of the Dog Whisperer's rules.
That's not to say that I don't have rules, boundaries and limitations. I do. But the red couch in my family room is for everyone, unless I ask them to move. They know I'm the boss, and they don't argue the point. They just move and all is well.
To tell you the truth, snuggling with a dog is rather soothing to me. Sometimes, when I have a headache, or something heavy to think about, a puppy on my lap or lying beside me is like therapy.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Can we retain our position as pack leaders, while still allowing the occasional pup on the lap? We certainly do it with our cats. What do you think? Take my quick poll that follows and let me know how you feel about this topic. I'd love to know. Thanks for your input.
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