Justice for Bow a Huge Success on Facebook!

Justice for Bow a Huge Success on Facebook!

By Suzanne Alicie

Everyone who uses social networks like Facebook and Twitter is aware of the possibilities of increasing awareness and receiving donations for worthy causes from the caring communities. Fellow RPO blog contributor Linda Cole has written about this phenomenon in her post “How Facebook Helps Pets in Need.” Today I'll tell you how Facebook has been a huge success story for a special kitty. 

A few months ago I saw that a friend of mine had “liked” a page called Justice for Bow; the notification had a picture of a cat so I went to check it out. I was horrified when I saw the pictures of Bow and read the story of what had happened to him.

Poor Kitty

Neighbors near Burton and US131 in Grand Rapids, Michigan often saw and fed a stray cat living in the area. When a few days went by without seeing the kitty, the concerned citizens began to worry. On May 10, 2011 the cat, which has now been named Bow, was found with an arrow through his face. Someone had shot the defenseless cat and left him to suffer or die all alone. The arrow had entered Bow’s left cheek, pierced his esophagus and exited near his right shoulder.

Saving Grace

The wonderful woman who found Bow took him to Michigan Veterinary Specialists, but she only had $200 to put towards his care. The caring staff at MVS removed the arrow and donated the antibiotics and IV fluids to keep Bow alive. Amy Smith Velthouse, a veterinary technician at MVS, also volunteered at Carol’s Ferals, which was the first place she turned for assistance for Bow. Carol Manos of Carol’s Ferals arranged for Bow to be transferred to the Animal Hospital of Lowell where Dr. Bruce Langlois took over his medical care.

Social Support

The Justice for Bow page on Facebook reported on Bow’s progress, including updated photos of a much healthier kitty than the original tragic images that were posted, and collected donations for Bow’s medical care and to support Carol’s Ferals.  In early July, Bow was moved to Ms. Manos’ house for recovery and lots of TLC. She now posts regular updates on the Justice for Bow page, and he appears to be coming along well.  Carol Manos is a kitty guardian angel and the best of the best when it comes to responsible pet ownership!

Being Recognized

The evil perpetrator responsible for shooting Bow has never been found, but thanks to the wonderful people who were looking out for Bow, the staff at MVS and Carol’s Ferals organization, this kitty has a new lease on life. The people who love animals and work constantly to make life better for our furred friends haven’t given up, and Bow has become quite a celebrity.

The Justice for Bow Facebook page has close to 5,000 fans and continues to be a place for people to send messages of goodwill for Bow, and for Ms. Manos to update all Bow’s fans on his remarkable recovery and socialization. Her post on August 5 about Bow’s belly rubs made me smile, and the latest post indicates just how far Bow has come these past few months. It said: “Check out Bow, living in the lap of luxury with Carol. He’s getting more comfortable with her every day.” It is so wonderful when people come together to provide for the needs of animals and to attempt to defend them against the things that will harm them.

For all the bad things shared on social networks, sometimes there are things that begin as tragedies and turn into heartwarming stories that will restore your faith in humanity. Justice for Bow is one of those that I love to visit and see what’s happening with this cat that has literally had to fight to survive. Here at the RPO blog, we’re a pretty social crew and you may have noticed that when it comes to pets, Facebook is the place to be! Our fearless leader Julia Williams has introduced us to Nico, Willow and Guido – three very interesting pets that are making the most of social networking sites!

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