Introducing a New Feature: All Things Dog Blog's Weekly Wag

Introducing a New Feature: All Things Dog Blog's Weekly Wag

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Scentwork: Great Fun for Fido!

It's almost the New Year and I'm ready to add something to my repertoire. One of my favorite ways to interact with dog owners is by sharing fun activities to keep Fido's mental and physical muscles working. My new feature will do just that. 

Each Saturday you'll find another way to add some puppy punch to your weekend. Sometimes I'll show you how to work the brain indoors on a rainy day. Other posts will offer tips on variety for active play. 

From walking on leash to games for wide open spaces, I'll have something fun for you to share with your dog each and every Saturday. Join me. You won't regret it. Your dog will love you for the time you spend with her. Bonding will happen for both of you.

We'll start at the beginning, with Fido's first sense--SMELL! Scentwork is so basic to a dog's nature that you'll hardly have to offer instruction or reward. The game will be its own incentive. Let's get started:
See you next week for a new idea to add to your weekly wag.

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