If You Love Them, Set Them Free

If You Love Them, Set Them Free

Reader Janice has highlighted the plight of Lolita the Orca to us. And sadly, this is one aspect of 'abuse' which even many of us 'animal lovers' are all guilty of... why?

Many animals such as birds, orcas, dolphins, etc, are often kept in captivity for most of their lives. While most zoos and aquariums conform to a certain standard to create an environment that resembles their natural habitat as much as possible, some irresponsible captors are not able to provide such an environment. In the case of Lolita, the layout of the aquarium that she is confined to does not even allow her to swim freely without her running into the structure.

As animal lovers, would you like to see such a magnificent creature perform 'tricks' for you for an hour, then go back to swimming alone and bored in a 'prison', or would it bring a smile in your face whenever you think of Lolita swimming and playing in the open seas, where she belongs?

Are we going to continue patronizing this aquarium to sustain the 'demand' to justify Lolita's captivity? Why not head over to http://www.savelolita.com/ and find out how you can help save Lolita? (click here to open site in new window)

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