How to Groom a Golden Retriever

How to Groom a Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world and were first developed as hunting dogs or gun dogs to retrieve game that had been shot down. Golden retrievers are double coated and have a dense undercoat or inner coat which provides them with warmth. Their outer coat is sleek, shiny, and water repellent. Most golden retrievers tend to have a coat that is somewhere between a rich cream color and shades of gold. Because of its think coat, most owners often want to learn to groom a golden retriever properly to avoid a dirty, mangy dog. It is also important to groom your dog on a regular basis to ensure that dead hair is removed and unnecessary shedding of hair does not take place.

Grooming a golden retriever is important for several reasons. Proper dog grooming ensures that not only is their coat untangled but all dead hair is removed. It also helps stimulate oil glands which ensures that the coat of the dog remains shiny and sleek. Regular brushing also ensures that instance of dander is reduced. Proper brushing and dog grooming also helps in massaging your golden retriever's muscles which is particularly important for older dogs who cannot indulge in exercise. Regular grooming also helps owners keep track of any physical deformities like lumps or bumps that may have formed on their dog's body.

Grooming a Golden Retriever

While grooming a golden retriever, it is important to remember that the method that you use in order to groom your dog and the frequency with which you groom it completely depends on their coats. Depending on the quality of their coats, you may need to change the methods that you use. It is important that you use the proper dog grooming tools. With a golden retriever it is important that you use a brush that not only grooms the upper coat but also the undercoat. It is also important that when you groom a golden retriever or any other dog, you follow a routine, even while brushing him. This helps him know what to expect.

While combing and brushing your dog, use a bristle brush on his coat twice a week and an undercoat rake for his undercoat. This will help reduce shedding of hair. Always start brushing from the front and work your way towards the back. Areas that you need to pay a lot attention to are the neck, throat region, and the area around the ears. From the neck, work your way towards the shoulder, elbow, and legs. Finally groom the belly and finish off with the tail.

It is extremely important that you bathe your dog with a good dog shampoo. It is advisable that you consult your vet to ask which is the best dog shampoo to use. Golden retrievers generally have a good coat and skin damage is rare. It is important that you have proper grooming shears to groom excess hair on your dog's feet and pads. If you are grooming a golden retriever for a show or even otherwise, it is important that you trim their nails regularly. Not doing so can cause foot problems which you would want to avoid. It is important to be careful while doing so as clipping their nails too close can cause bleeding. While trimming the hair on the dog's tail, remember to start trimming from the tip and work your way towards the base.

One of the most important dog grooming tips is to clean your dog's ears regularly. This should be done at least twice a month with a cleansing solution for the ears. Pour a few drops into your dog's ear and use a cotton swab to remove the dirt in your dog's ear. While grooming your dog remember to move your dog only in natural positions and not to pull, twist, or raise their legs too high as you groom them. If you have a puppy at home, and you want to learn to groom a golden retriever puppy, then you need to know that puppies do not need grooming but starting early can help getting them used to the process.

For any golden retriever owner, it is important to groom a golden retriever, to ensure proper dog care. Without proper grooming, your dog could be susceptible to several diseases that you could otherwise avoid.

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