How to Establish Dominance With Your Lab Puppy

How to Establish Dominance With Your Lab Puppy

How to Establish Dominance With Your Lab Puppy

Like wolves, dogs live in a socially structured world of dominance. There is always one "dog" -- the top dog or alpha -- at the top of the hierarchy. Dog owners must establish themselves as alpha, or their dog will assume that role. Dogs that learn to accept their owner as the alpha more readily accept orders and are willing to let the owner make the decisions. Conversely, dogs who don't accept their owners as the alpha can be uncontrollable and potentially dangerous.


- How To Keep A Dog From Biting Your Hands When Trying To Feed It
Some dogs bite, growl and snap at their owner's hands while being fed, known as dog food aggression. Showing aggression -- even if only at feeding time -- can lead to potentially dangerous, violent behavior. It must be stopped as quickly as possible....

- How To Get My Bichon Puppy To Stop Chewing On Us
Most puppies bite and chew when they are playing, in a teething phase or if they want attention. The key is to stop this behavior as soon as possible. If your Bichon has a biting problem as a puppy, you do not want this behavior to remain through adulthood....

- How To Stop A Pug Puppy From Nipping People
The pug is a toy breed, meaning that it is naturally small and energetic. "...Many individuals think that it can be crucial to get dog training tips earlier to getting their pets. Some individuals may find this interesting but a lot of people could concur...

- How To Get My Pit Bull To Stop Nipping
. "...Many people believe that it is crucial to get dog training tips prior to acquiring their pets. A number of people may find this exciting but a lot of people might recognize that this is a really good tip to follow. The challenge with some pet owners...

- How To Teach My Puppy To Stop Biting?
Puppies commonly bite and nip at the hands as a way to play and experience things. A dog's mouth is like our hands are to us, and it uses its mouth to pick up objects and learn about them. Regardless, biting is not a habit dog-owners want their pets...

