Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

You must have often seen your dog eating grass, whenever he experiences a stomach pain. The dog finds the grass on his own and immediately feels better after eating it. The instinct to find a natural cure for their ailments comes naturally to animals. We human beings, have just started availing the therapeutic uses of herbs and plants, but animals have known them since long. Therefore, natural remedies for dogs work better than the conventional therapy in veterinary medicine.

Homeopathic Remedies for Dogs

Homeopathy is the branch of medicine which works on the principles of 'similars' or 'like cures like'. This means, a substance which induces certain symptoms in a healthy body is also capable of curing similar symptoms in an unhealthy body. Typically, homeopathic treatment works by stimulating the dog's own immune system against the underlying condition. For this, small doses of 'potentized' remedies are given to the dog.

Homeopathic Treatment Vs Conventional Therapy for Dogs
Conventional therapy works by introducing certain chemical or biological agents inside the dog's body. These antibiotics or anti viral drugs work by suppressing the symptoms of the disease. While doing so, they also suppress the immune system of the dog. Thus, even though the symptoms of the underlying disease are alleviated, the disease itself is not addressed. The weakened immune system makes your dog even more susceptible to the disease, as it is not completely disposed off. On the other hand, homeopathic treatment stimulates the immune system of the dog, so that it can work on its own to attack the underlying disease. This also makes the dog less prone to the same disease in future. Moreover, homeopathic remedies are produced from minerals, or animal or plant origin, which make them safe for consumption.

Diseases Cured by Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic remedies are capable of curing a plethora of dog illnesses. They are effective in reducing pain and relieving the symptoms of the disease. Following are the diseases that can be cured with the help of homeopathic remedies, without causing any side effects. Is Homeopathic Treatment Safe for Your Dog?
Homeopathy is not entirely harmless. If the dosage is not properly administered, it may induce some ill effects. However, most often homeopathic doses are given in small amounts and in correctly potentized manner. Hence, in most cases homeopathic remedies work safely and without any side effects. Thus, if you are getting your dog treated from a qualified homeopathic veterinarian, there are very less chances of the treatment going wrong.

Administering Homeopathic Remedies for Your Dog
Homeopathic medicines come in the form of tiny pellets. You can either drop them directly in your dog's mouth or grind them in powder and put it in his mouth. Alternatively, you can also dissolve them in water. However, do not mix them in his food as they are to be taken at least 45 minutes prior to meals. Also, avoid giving him other medicines, especially allopathic, while your dog is on homeopathic treatment. Similarly, do not vaccinate him until the course of treatment is over.

You might notice one or more of the symptoms getting worse while your dog is on homeopathic treatment. However, this is only for temporary duration and you'll eventually notice improvement in your dog's condition. Homeopathic remedies take some time for treating chronic illnesses, but you should see signs of progress within days of onset of the treatment.

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