Get Prepared at #Pet1stAid Twitter Party

Get Prepared at #Pet1stAid Twitter Party

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
 photo pet1staid_zps30bf636c.gifSeptember is National Preparedness Month and we're here today to help you prepare your pets. Kids are heading back to school and yet it is still Hurricane season here in Florida for nearly 2 1/2 more months. This is the perfect time to make sure that we all know what we need to know to care for our pets in the event of a disaster or injury. Join @DogTipper and @AllThingsDog for another fun and educational @EventBarkers Twitter Party: #Pet1stAid, with our sponsor @DrEmmo1 and our guest host, @ArdenKnowsPets. You may know her as Arden Moore. Be sure to follow us all on Twitter to assure that you don't miss any of the news, and are able to win prizes at the Twitter Party.

You can start preparing right now with one click. Dr. Emmo's is offering a set of 2 FREE samples of their Wound Wash and Wound Care Gel for pets. All you pay is a small fee to ship and you'll get these terrific, travel size bottles that can be clipped to your backpack, belt loop or even a dog's harness. That's a $12 value for a thrifty 3 bucks! They're perfect for hiking, camping, evacuation readiness and anytime you're out and about doing active things with Fido. Grab yours now at the link or just click on the image below.
Grab Your Sample Kit--Perfect for Travel!

We'll be offering lots of helpful, expert tips on how to fix all sorts of pet boo-boos, while handing off lots of bottles of  Dr. Emmo's terrific first aid products, in addition to some extra goodies to offer your pets some comfort during an evacuation or storm, and preparedness for these tough times. Oh, and did I mention the $100 Gift Card that will be included in the Grand Prize? We'll call that your disaster fund! Spend this baby on anything you need. More details on the prizes to come...

First things first; let's all understand a couple of important points below, and then please RSVP to make sure we know you're coming and to enter you to win great prizes in a drawing from the RSVP entries :)

When you have completed your RSVP, please give this RT a click and help us get the word out. Thanks!
Participation Tips:

Winners' announcements will begin immediately upon opening of the Twitter Party at 8:00 PM ET on Tuesday, September 10, so don't be late! There will be a total of 10 winners announced, with the last being the Grand Prize winner, announced at the closing of the party--9 PM ET. Stick around to make sure you don't miss your shout out!

  1. RSVP's will remain open throughout the entire party, so that everyone can join in to win or just to have fun and get some great first aid tips.
  2. The RSVP winner will be drawn on Tuesday morning, September 10, so please sign up now! This winner's handle will be announced at the party. 
While we encourage everyone to join in for the first aid tips and discussion, prizes at this party are available only to U.S. addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

RSVP Instructions:

Following is an example to enter the RSVP form below. Below the numbered list at the bottom is a blue link that says "Click here to enter". Click this and follow these instructions, using the image below as a guide.  

In the first field that says "Link Title or Blog Title" just enter your Twitter handle as shown in the example.  Notice I entered @EventBarkers. In the second field that says "Link" you'll enter the link to your Twitter account. It will look like this: "". 

You can leave your email address and name in the next two fields, if you wish. This will help us reach you if your Twitter handle is listed wrong and you win a prize. (BTW, there will be a Rafflecopter entry for offering your email address; it makes it MUCH easier for us to find you when you win!) Now click "Enter your link" and that's it. You have completed your RSVP. Don't forget to follow our sponsor and host handles listed above to make sure you can win prizes at the party.

 photo SampleRSVPEntry_zps765fe03b.png

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Event Barkers, a partnership of and All Things Dog Blog, is working with Dr. Emmo's to promote National Preparedness Month and share information on their products. 

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