Flush Puppies: The Way Doodie Was Meant to Be Handled

Flush Puppies: The Way Doodie Was Meant to Be Handled

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner is Being a Good Sport
in this Flush Puppies Review

I've mentioned this company before on several occasions. Flush Puppies makes a water soluble doodie bag that is destined to save the landfills. I like their terminology; doodie bag sounds better than poop bag, don't you think?. I was excited to meet the Florida folks that created this neat product at Global Pet Expo and finally to get to try their bags.

Although my expectations were low, I wasn't much happier about the so-called biodegradable poop bags that I've found elsewhere. Have you checked out your brand to find out how long it takes to biodegrade? It will shock you. That's why the idea of a water soluble bag--one that biodegrades in water--was so fascinating to me.

I was curious. When I asked Josh about time frames I got just the answers I was looking for. "It all depends." It depends on the temperature of the water vs. dry compost, for instance. Big difference ranging from instantaneous in hot water to more than 90 days in dry compost tests in a lab. Since Flushpuppies are made specifically for use in septic or sewer systems, their materials (PVA and organic matter) lend themselves well to breakdown at a fast pace in this bacteria rich environment. Perfect!

According to the  EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), “Pet waste can be a major source of bacteria and excess nutrients in local waters. . . Flushing pet waste is the best disposal method. Leaving pet waste on the ground increases public health risks by allowing harmful bacteria and nutrients to wash into the storm drain and eventually into local waterbodies.”

© Carrie Boyko
That's It.
 No More Smelly Trash Cans!
Flush Puppies bags are designed to dissolve in the water of our sewer systems. You might be interested in reading their FAQ page here. Without tying a knot, you simply drop the bag into a toilet and flush.

Here's the high points that we've discovered when we use Flush Puppies:

© courtesy Flushpuppies
© Carrie Boyko
Stop Here; Flush it Instead
You're probably wondering, "Do they really dissolve?" Well, my scientific curiosity had me testing one of these bags in a bucket of water--better than using a toilet! I wanted to remove it and see what the results were. As I suspected, the bag does not disappear upon contact with the water. That would be bad if your pup had one of those embarrassing moments that might call for Petpto-Bismol, if were us.

© Carrie Boyko
Down it Goes
Actually, I had the opportunity (ack!) to experience this very scenario. After Tanner ate a cookie from the kitchen counter ledge, his 'output' was less than solid. I tested the bag to see how it worked, wondering if I would end up with a messy hand. Although I did notice a softer feel to the bag, no breakdown was noted and the bag was deposited safely in the bathroom facility--aka, the john.

© courtesy Flushpuppies
Now let's change directions. Are you asking yourself if Flush Puppies will fit into your cute little poop bag dispenser? The answer is yes. They even sell an adorable, bone-shaped one of their own that you can order from their site at this link. Flush Puppies provides bags in rolls and in wallet form (all folded up) for your preference. I can see how some folks may like the wallet style better for back pockets, if a round dispenser is not attached to your leash. Lucky for us, it's a take your pick situation.

So, if you can't wait on the giveaway, you can order direct from Flush Puppies, check for other retailers here, or you're welcome to order here through Amazon:

If you're in Florida, you're in luck. Pet Supermarket is picking up the Flush Puppies line. It is expected to be available at many stores in our state by late June. Check the store locater here to find a location near you. Be sure to call first to determine availability. Thanks for considering the environment when Fido's duty calls.

Now, shall we offer a giveaway to let you test the product out? I've got 12 prizes consisting of 2 wallet packs each, ready to go to the winners of our drawing.  Here's how to enter, and please pay close attention to the minor changes in my methods, if you're a regular here:
© Carrie Boyko
All Done! Thanks Tanner
Don't forget to leave us a way to notify you if you win (Twitter handle, email, website or blog URL) and please stop by our Facebook page to "like" us, so you won't miss out on any of our news. We run weekly giveaways of pup products to solve many dog owners' woes. Hope to see you again soon. Entries close at 5 PM on Thursday, June 23. Winners will be announced on Friday here on the blog. Happy tails!

A small number of samples were provided to All Things Dog Blog by Flush Puppies for review. No cash or other compensation was taken in exchange for my review. The opinions stated herein are my own.

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