FIDO Friendly Magazine Giveaway Nets Two Winners

FIDO Friendly Magazine Giveaway Nets Two Winners

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Guessing games are clearly not you guys' forte, huh? I truly thought it would be a no-brainer to ask a simple question about a photo contest. You surprised me! If you're wondering what the answer to the question was, here's the correct one:

In a recent edition of FIDO Friendly magazine, 
dogs showed off their TONGUES!

Lucky readers, Melissa T. and Leanne A., were the fortunate winners. Technically they were the hard-working ones, as they took the time to look up the answer. Good job, ladies!

I'll be sending you your free copies of FIDO Friendly early next week. I hope you enjoy reading them and will check out their blog and the online version of their magazine. You can also read about their special offers going on right now at my Money Saving post. They offer so many ways to keep up it's impossible not to be FIDO Friendly! You can even subscribe from here if you like:

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