Fetch Flings Soar with Wishbone Flyers

Fetch Flings Soar with Wishbone Flyers

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog.com
Hurry Up Brent! Let's Fly!
A Wishbone Flyer arrived at All Things Dog Blog for review during Winter, the perfect time for outdoor fun in Florida. Without the cold or the heat, we were able to enjoy some Fetching fun with Tanner as our 'reviewer'. Needless to say, Tanner was very excited. Are you getting that impression from this photo?

As my son prepared the Flyer and took a few sample flings, we both were amazed at the distances that could be achieved. Before we actually played a real game of Fetch, I had to get Tanner calm and ready for the command. No taking off before the ball was released from the Wishbone Flyer.

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Ready to Fly?

With Tanner settled and Brent ready to give this baby a real test, he loaded up the Flyer and gave the command. Tanner took off like a rocket, ready to reach the Moon in a matter of seconds. Powered by Natural Balance's Organic Formula, Tanner's energy and stamina is a sight to see. As one dog owner put it:
"D***! That dog is fast!"

I had an entire dog park group watching behind me as Tanner returned time after time, dropping the ball and taking chase once again,  
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Go Fetch!
with the ball easily flying 75 feet or more. Thankfully we chose a very large dog park for this expedition, or we probably would have been scaling the fence to retrieve lost balls. There's tip number one for Wishbone Flyers users. Choose a large area!

Tip number two is that you'll need to scout out a post with a flat top to strap the Wishbone Flyer snugly in place. We learned from experimentation that a square post works better than a round one; although, as you can see, we were able to successfully have a great time flying off a chain link fence.Before you purchase a Wishbone Flyer, do your homework. Know you have a spot to attach the flyer where there is plenty of space for Fido to run safely. The
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Tanner Returns the Ball for Round 2
actual flinging mechanism needs to stick out above the post, so a light pole or other very tall structure will simply not work. 

As you can see in my photos, we used a dog park fence for this shoot because we wanted a large, enclosed area to assure that Tanner would not be lured away while we were preoccupied with the photo shoot details. A chain link fence is not your ideal post; however the corner post seen here did work relatively well. 

The Wishbone Flyer folks are very clear to share that their product was designed to attach to the top of decking such as that seen in the video below. Enjoy the show that this German Shepherd puts on, but realize that your balls may go farther, so choose a location that will allow for the long balls to be retrieved safely.

courtesy Wishbone Flyers

The video tells the story for Tanner as well.Tanner got a great workout and it was easy to use the flyer, once an appropriate post was located. Once again, I will recommend that you try to find a square post that allows you to strap on the Wishbone Flyer at the top, exposing the flinging mechanism above it, as shown in this photo at left. This will get you the best possible action, and a terrific exercise session for your Fetch-crazed dog. Tanner gives this tool a 4 out of 5, merely because locating a useful post can be challenging, although it is well worth the effort. Enjoy!

Want to learn more about the Wishbone Flyer? Check out their website at the link above, or visit them on Facebook or Twitter. If your dog is anything like my Fetching fanatic, he'll love this great tool that won't wear out your arm. Tanner is always a willing subject. Watch for a giveaway to come shortly.

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Tanner wishes to thank the folks at Wishbone Flyers for this sample we reviewed at no cost to us. We were not paid to share our thoughts, take these photos or run our fannies off, and these comments are completely our own. 

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