Emptying the Natural Balance Shelf

Emptying the Natural Balance Shelf

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
You're Giving it All Away? No!!!!!

Spring is on the horizon for those of us in Florida, although I realize that many of you may be shaking your heads and wondering which planet I live on. Our 74 degrees as I write this is probably not even a dream for many of you. Nevertheless, I have begun to think about Spring Cleaning. This can and does include checking the expiration dates for all edible samples, pet food, and treats that I have received from sponsors, swag bags and the like. I hope you will regularly do the same for your pet's health and safety.

Today I'm kicking off a giveaway that features Natural Balance products. You'll find two prize packages detailed on the Rafflecopter below. Both Fido and Fluffy have a chance to win in this fun giveaway, so jump right in if you have either a dog or a cat in your home.

The Rafflecopter entries include a variety of options for social media involvement. Pick your favorites, or use them all. It's your choice, but do remember that this is all for fun. Only use those entry methods that you find enjoyable to make sure you're always smiling when you're entering. :)

During these months of snow, rain and generally unacceptable walking weather, I'm sure at least some of you could make use of these goodies that are an overflow on my own shelves. The dog treats will be a perfect reward at training time, which is a great way to keep your dog active and busy when the weather doesn't allow for outdoor play. 

This giveaway will remain open for entry for 2 weeks, closing at midnight Sunday, February 23. I'll announce the winners on Monday, February 24. Be sure to stop by and see who the lucky dog and cat owners are. Maybe you!

As you begin your entries to win the goodies in this photo, here's an important tip. The Rafflecopter is a wonderful tool, but can sometimes hide beneath the social media icons below, not coming out to do its job. It will Come When Called if you do it this way:  Click on the post title above to refresh this post, and you'll find that the Rafflecopter will wag its tail and be ready to play again.

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As a Natural Balance Insider I have been supplied with these products for this giveaway. I was compensated to run this giveaway with sponsored travel to industry events and food for my pets.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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