Dogs on a Scale: Dieting with My Dog Giveaway

Dogs on a Scale: Dieting with My Dog Giveaway

by Peggy Frezon, guest blogger
© Peggy Frezon
Kelly and Peggy Share the Scale
and the Success
© Carrie Boyko
Hmmm....Do You Have a Bigger Size?
You’ve seen the movie, Snakes on a Plane? Well, here is something just as scary: Dogs on a Scale! These dogs will do anything to avoid getting weighed. And who could blame them? I get a bit frightened at the numbers I see when I step onto a scale. And, it turned out, my dog Kelly’s vet wasn’t happy with her weigh-in either. So we teamed up, changed our lifestyle, and got fit together.

© Carrie Boyko
No Diet Please!
My new book, Dieting with my Dog shares our journey as we learn to love carrots instead of cookies, working out instead of vegging-out. We fit in daily walks, bravely facing off loose, aggressive dogs in the neighborhood. Although it wasn’t easy, we changed our diets, got off our butts and got active. I lost 41 lbs and Kelly lost 6 lbs. And best of all, we did it together.

Tanner and Oliver had to take a stab at this scale business after watching the video below.  Be sure to watch it; what fun!

*Studies conducted by the National Association for Pet Obesity Awareness found that more than half the pets in the U.S. are obese or overweight.

That was fun, huh? Well, now it's time to get down to business. Shall we give away a couple of copies of Dieting with My Dog? If you're not a winner here, you can order yours from Amazon. You can enter using the Rafflecopter form below. If you don't see the form, just click on the post title to refresh and it will appear here:

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