Dog Training: How to Make a Dog Hit a Bell

Dog Training: How to Make a Dog Hit a Bell

Dog Training: How to Make a Dog Hit a Bell

Potty training a dog can be very tiresome and requires a great deal of patience. One way to avoid cleaning up unwanted messes is to teach your dog to ring a bell when it needs to go outside. Children and adults can both utilize this method of potty training, as it is fairly easy. You just have to be patient and consistent and you will see results.


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Pomeranians are among the most intelligent, athletic and enthusiastic of the toy breeds, but most owners soon discover these puppies can also be quite a handful. Their high-energy nature combined with an innate stubbornness can make it seem difficult...

- How To Teach A Dog To Be Housebroken Using A Bell
Dogs are essentially clean animals that do not like soiling their dens. Given the opportunity to eliminate outside, they will readily do so. Unfortunately, dogs lack the ability to ask to be let outside when they need to "go." When they signals by whining,...

- How To House Train A Maltese Puppy
The Maltese dog offers a stable, loving and intelligent disposition. They crave time with their owners. This small dog is one of the easiest of all toy breeds to house train, according to the Complete Guide to Dog Ownership. The Maltese responds well...

- How To House Train A 6-month-old Puppy
Housebreaking is one of the first goals most owners want their puppies to accomplish. Depending upon the breed of the puppy, house training may be more successful once the puppy is 6 months old. Smaller breeds, such as Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas...

- How To Train Your Dog To Ring A Bell
By Linda Cole Teaching your dog basic commands is necessary to help keep them safe and well behaved. It's important to know that your dog will come when called. Once you've taught him how to sit, stay, come or any of the other basic commands,...

