Dog Toy Giveaway:Hol-ee Rollers Roll Out

Dog Toy Giveaway:Hol-ee Rollers Roll Out

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Hol-ee mackerel! Is Oliver having fun or what? He's got a new ball from JW Pet called a Hol-ee Roller. We're reviewing it tomorrow, so don't miss Oliver's chance to share his opinion. Today's slideshow is simply a commercial to show you how much fun Oliver is having. Check out our review tomorrow to learn more about this great ball.

If you think your small pup will enjoy this unique ball, you may want to enter our giveaway. Next Friday, June 10th, we'll be announcing the winners of 8 of these adorable little balls. could just enter right now! Here's how:
You can keep up with all of our goings on at our Facebook page. Stop by and hit the "Like" button to get our news as it happens. And don't forget to visit tomorrow for the review to find out all the cool features of this amazing little ball. Happy tails!


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