Dog Coat Care: Let the Spa Treatments Begin
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Rinse Thoroughly to Prevent Itchy Skin |
There are going to be 6 extremely clean and sweet smelling pups out there. In honor of this great giveaway, I want all of you to be sure to send photos of your first bath experience with these new products. I think the folks at Earthbath and SheaPet will love seeing your best friends all lathered up.
© Sudsy Tanner Soaks His Feet |
If you missed the review and giveaway, I'm sad for you. But the good news is that you can still pick up your own products at a multitude of online stores like here at Amazon as well as the brick and mortar variety. I believe I've see it at Petco and I'm sure you'll find it at many of the smaller boutique style pet supply shops.
I'm sure you'd like to know who won, right? Six lucky ladies: Larrielle, Julie K.B., Cynthia D, Lisa F, Kelly T, and Shelley P. Watch for an email by sometime Saturday from [email protected]. Check your spam if it doesn't appear, or write to me with your mailing address. Congratulations ladies; I'll be watching for your photos :)
Soggy Doggy Winners Snag Soft Snuggles
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Oliver Loves Snuggling on His Soggy Doggy Apparently the Soggy Doggy review was effective. Who would have thought that I'd get thousands of entries to win 2 rugs and 2 shammies? Big surprise and but...
Petco Winners Get Summer Supplies
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Wander Pail Offers Secure Travel Storage of 2 Bowls and Food© Nested Bowls with LidOur Petco giveaway has closed and two winners have lucked up and won Summer fun essentials. One winner...
Woofing Winners Get Mellowed Out
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © It seems we touched a high note when we began talking about behavioral issues. I found all your comments at the giveaway post quite fascinating. So many behaviors that may be helped with a homeopathic remedy--wow!...
Earthbath Review: Our Earth Month Wrap Up
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © All Things Dog Blog Earthbath Time for TannerAbout 5 years ago when we abandoned traditional products in favor of more Eco-friendly and all-natural formulas, our choices were skimpy. Locating a shampoo that did not offend my...
Dog Lovers Win Big Fun With Gator Toys And Themed Handbags
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © Carrie Boyko Did You Win this One? Ooops!I love Fridays! Not only is it the end of the week, but I get to give away my doggie prizes to happy readers. This week I get a twofer, as I have handbags and gator toys as prizes. Shall...