Dehydration Symptoms in Dogs

Dehydration Symptoms in Dogs

Just like human beings, even dogs are susceptible to the problem of dehydration. Dehydration is the condition when fluids are lost from the body. The dog's body consists of 90% water, and dehydration can be caused even with the loss of just 10 - 15% of bodily fluids. Along with water, the canine may also lose essential electrolytes including potassium, chloride, sodium, etc., from the body, which may result into serious dog health problems. Therefore, it is important for every dog owner and dog lover to know about the dehydration symptoms in canines, to take immediate action when the need arises. However, let us first discuss the reasons that result in loss of water in dogs.

Causes of Dehydration in Dogs

The most common cause of loss of water is heavy panting in dogs. After the dogs are exposed to heat or after they indulge in physical exercises, they are known to pant and drool to cool themselves, as they do not have sweat glands like human beings. In this process, they lose a lot of body fluid, and if they are not rehydrated immediately, dehydration can occur. Diarrhea or vomiting in dogs can also be the cause for dehydration. Other dog illnesses that can lead to dehydration include fever, kidney disease, diabetes, etc.

Dehydration Symptoms in Your Canine Pets Treatment of Dehydration in Dogs

A dehydrated dog should be taken to the vet as soon as possible. However, before taking your pet to the vet, there are certain steps that you can take to rehydrate it. Keep your dog at a cool location and let it drink lots of water. However, if dehydration is very severe, do not make the mistake of allowing your dog to gulp the water quickly, because this may lead to vomiting, and subsequently further loss of bodily fluids. So, allow your dog to drink water slowly, taking little sips at a time. You can also try giving your dog pedialyte, which is an electrolyte product which will help in regaining the loss electrolytes in the body. However, if your pet refuses to drink any water, rush it to the vet for further treatment.

As dehydration can cause serious problems like failure of organs and sometimes death too, it is your responsibility as a dog owner to take all the necessary steps to prevent it from getting affected by dehydration. You have to see to it that your dog remains hydrated throughout the day. Place bowls of water at different places at your home to ensure that your dog drinks water regularly. Feeding your dog with moist foods will also do the trick. Apart from this, it is better to keep you pet indoors during hot and dry climatic conditions. If you have to take your canine outdoors for long trips, remember to give it clean water at regular intervals. Dehydration in dogs can be a symptom of some other major disease. So, if you notice any of the dehydration symptoms in dogs, the vet will help you in finding out the actual reason, and subsequent treatment if severe.

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